Chapter 46

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After a dinner Rishabh came downstairs with two packets of hide and seek biscuit for Nandini's pets. They loves this specific biscuit and Nandini makes sure they will have their favourite things to eat.

Before he could find them his eyes landed on their usual bench where very unusual person was sitting on that bench like a lost soul who has nothing left in this world which would belong to him.

"Want some" Manik looked at the packet of biscuit forwarded in front of him then he looked up at the owner who had pity in his eyes for Manik which he hates the most. But earlier on road no one was there even to show pity so Manik ignored the stinging feeling.

"Nandini" he whispered with heavy breaths, he was drained out due to continuous walking that too without food or water.

"My parents are at home ..... U can't go like this" he looked at his own dirty clothes but he just wants his Nandini.

"Take me to her" he said with difficulty and seeing his longing 16yrs old melted instantly.

"Wait a minute" he took out his phone.

"Hello mom ...... Today's moon is looking so serene with stars filled sky ...... U shouldn't miss the scene ...... So go to terrace with dad" his words did their magic on his mother and in next minute she was out with her husband. She loves to watch beautiful sky for hours with her love.

"Come" Manik stood up only to fumbled just after his first step so Rishabh instantly held his arm.

"If u will fall then u will be my problem only ..... So wait I will take u" Rishabh said annoyingly and in that condition also Manik gave him deadly look but he ignored nd feed dogs first.

"U r in need so say bye to ur this attitude" Rishabh taunted and held his hand, helping him till lift.

"Whatever" he turned his face to other side.

After entering the house Rishabh made him sit and gave glass of water which he finished in seconds and asked for one more glass.

"Wait here" Rishabh ran inside the kitchen.

"Is she sleeping?" He asked in low voice.

"Probably no ...... It's just 11pm" he said in same low voice and gave glass of warm milk to Manik.

"Why?" He raised his one eyebrow.

"Drink it ..... U look drained out" this time there wasn't any pity but just concern in Rishabh's eyes so Manik took the glass and drank in one go.

"Should I make something for u?" He asked looking at empty glass.

"Umm ..... Umm..." He was hesitant.

"Wait I will make dosa" they had Dosa in dinner so batter and chutney is already prepared.

"Okay" he just said simple okay, he is going to have homemade food after two weeks. He used to eat only once or twice in a day in jail.

Rishabh served him hot dosa and he ate that in a minute. Like this he ate 5 dosas in five minutes making Rishabh run on his toes.

"I'm done" he said after finishing his 7th dosa and Rishabh sighed.

"Now go to her room ..... Mom nd dad must be coming ...... Don't make noise" he warned Manik as he washed his hands. And turned towards his own room.

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