Memories at Sea

69 1 1

Genera: Not really fluff but it's not angsty either

Ship: NONE!

Universe: Cocoverse

I was listening to Captain's call which made me want to write this


Before HermitCraft

Cleo was up at the crow's nest looking at the ocean ahead of her. Down below her the crew was making sure the ship was staying afloat and Puffy, the captain, was at the wheel of the Maiden's Blade (the ship). The ocean breeze was refreashing, and paired with how calm the sea was curretly made it seem better. Cleo took out her telescope and looked into to make sure they were heading towards the island they had seen. Nice, still on course. Cleo slide down to the main deck on a rope before running over to Puffy.

"Puffy! The island is straight ahead. If I were to make a guess on how much longer we'll need to go I'd say two hours at max."

"Thanks Cleo! Do you mind steering for a bit? I'm going to go get something to eat."

"No problem!", Cleo replied happily taking the wheel. 

Puffy smiled and headed towards the kitchen. 


Present Day

Now that Season 7 was over, most of the hermits were at their places or messing around in single player worlds. Cleo was one of the people who mostly just stay in the world hub during the time between seasons. She was cleaning up her place with some help from Joe because it was kinda messy with armor stands everywhere from her just messing around with stuff. 

As Cleo looked through the storage closet, she found a box which was labeled 'Pirate Stuff'. Not really knowing what it was she opened it. Inside the box was Cleo's old pirate outfit from her time as the First Mate of the Maiden's Blade, a good chunk of pirate gold and gemstones, a picture of her and Puffy, and half of an old map. What seemed like a wave of memories from the time before she was a HermitCraft member came flooding into her mind. Cleo remembered all the fun times she had while out sailing, all the storms she had been caught in, all the treasure she had found with her captain, and all the sea shanties she had heard. Cleo also remembered the day that the Maiden's Blade fell...

No, that wasn't important right now. Cleo rather not be reminded of that day, since it was also the day that her and Puffy had lost touch with one another. They hadn't stopped talking because they didn't like eachother after that, it was more that it felt awkward to speak to one another. But maybe it wouldn't be so much now, Cleo hasn't spoken to Puffy in years and doesn't have her number but Puffy is in MCC so someone who participates probably has it. Cleo would just need to ask False, Grian, Cub, or Ren if they have it. It's her fellow hermits so it shouldn't be to weird. But right now, Cleo needed to finish cleaning up. She closed the box and put it back in the closet, that isn't going to trash under any circumstance.


Till next time Adventurers!

                                                                                           Chocolate Unicorn :3 ~

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