Shit she heard it! Part 1

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Beast boys POV

I ran into the common room, there sat cyborg. he played video games vigorously, basically like always, but I wasn't like always. I was actually really excited! My green skin was lighter than usual.

I really wanted to explain something to Cyborg, something really exciting!

so I snuck up behind him and tapped his metal shoulder.

"hey, Cy!" I said, he drew back in shock and threw his Controller across
the half-room. The Controller crashed on the other side, on the floor.

he looked at me confused, annoyed and a little angry. On the one hand it scares me, on the other hand I knew that he could never harm his best friend / little brother.

"Hey little one, what's so important that you have to scare me so much that I have to throw my favorite controller halfway through the room and it even breaks in the end, so what the hell do you want from me!" he said annoyed.

I was so happy that Cyborg finally heard me chatter straight away.

"Dude, I finally did it, I finally did it! You don't know it!" I called.

Cyborg now looked very interested, he leaned over the edge of the sofa and asked: "Well, little man, have you finally asked Raven on a date?"

I turned bright red. How could he? He knew very well that this topic triggered very strange feelings in me. and yet he always brought up the topic when it was appropriate. I was just glad it didn't work when Raven was in the room!

"No, unfortunately I haven't yet." answered really annoyed but also a bit sad.

"oh man, why  grass stain ? You don't even know if she says no, why don't you dare?" he asked, looking a little pitiful.

"do you want to hear an honest answer?" I asked sadly.

"yes, I would very much like an honest answer from my little bro," he replied.

"I'm ... afraid that she ... thinks I'm not good enough. I mean what if ... if she doesn't like me ?!" I asked.

"For the 100,000th time, little one you don't know. You don't know if she likes you or if she doesn't like you, but you'll never find out if you don't try." he said.

I nodded slowly, then started talking again.

"You're right. It's just that she's so wonderful, cool, smart and strong. I just feel like I'm not perfect for her ... oh, I don't know either!" I mumbled depressed.

"okay little one, I'm not looking at this any longer. You will now look for Raven and ask her on a date, if not then I'll do it on your behalf, you understand!" he shouted.

I nodded eagerly and went to look for Raven.

Ravens POV

when the green teenager walked in, i was sure he couldn't see me. Because I was sitting under the table. Yeah, I know this is a weird place to read, but I kind of like it here.

well in any case, he came very energetically into the room. He was just walking up to my "big brother" Cyborg and seemed relatively happy. That doesn't really confuse me because he was always happy, at least from the outside but ... I was an empath, I knew how he was inside. What he went through sometimes. And somehow he was the same, he was just like me. And maybe that was one of the reasons why I had started to like him very much in the last few years.

what did that mean just beginning to like him, I had fallen in love with him. It's actually sad that it took me ten months to find out, but maybe because I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

but that doesn't matter anyway, because he certainly never has the same feelings as me!

well, at least he went up to Cyborg and then frightened him so much that this was his favorite control through the home room, almost at my feet, but only almost!

The two started to talk, I only had one ear closed, but when my name was mentioned, I was pricked up my ears.

When I listened more closely, I suddenly heard them talking about beast boy who wanted to invite me on a date. But the weirdest thing was that he didn't even deny that, to be precise, it sounded more like he planned to do it at some point.

I no longer understood the world, but on the other hand I was also very happy! And then Gar / Beast boy suddenly started to talk about me, not to curse or anger, no, but to praise and say how beautiful I am! I felt my heart beat faster. Yes, I was definitely in love. and apparently he too.

then suddenly he left the room, I got up suddenly, so actually I crawled out from under the table.

as I stood a confused cyborg looked at me.

"How long have you been looking under this table?" he asked, a little scared and a little confused.

"for 2 hours, why?" I answered.

"did you ... notice anything?" asked he.

"No cyborg, I sat under this table for 2 hours and didn't hear anything that happened in this room! Neither your constant screaming nor the conversation with Beast boy." I replied sarcastically and a little annoyed.

"oh ... are you going to kill my little buddy now?" he asked, dismayed and afraid.

"No, why should I? I love him ..." I said but then broke off when I realized what I had just said. I quickly pressed my hand to my mouth, gave Cyborg a quick look and then teleported me to my room.

I left behind a confused but grinning cyborg.

When I got to my room, I sat down on my bed and thought about it.

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now