Bet that!

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Ravens pov 😈

I sat on the couch in the common room and read one of the most exciting books I had ever come across. I was alone, luckily, others only bothered me while reading. Cyborg was in the garage working and tweaking the car. Robin and Star were on a date and Beast boy ... was somewhere, no idea what he was doing. I stopped thinking about it and went back to my book.

Suddenly the door to the common room opened and a green teenager walked in. He stood behind me and leaned over me. I spun around and asked him annoyed "What ?!" "What, I'm just reading along." he defended himself, that was the stupidest excuse ever. Beast boy and reading,never. I snorted slightly. "Hey what? So unlikely that I'll read something ?!" he asked, visibly offended. "uh ... yes. You and you read, that's as unlikely as Robin will start dating cyborg." I replied. " What about me?" asked Cyborg who just came in. "Raven thinks I would never read." Beast boy whined. "Isn't she right ?" asked Cyborg. "No, she isn't.I can read very well ... and I'll prove it to you. I ... ah yes ... I'll read a few of Raven's books until the end of this month, and then you can query and examine me whether I've really read the books. " said Beast boy, a little offended but also open-minded. "Okay you read ten of my books and if you lose you have to ..." "So is that a bet?" Cyborg interrupted me. " Yes of course." said beast boy and I at the same time. "And if I lose do I have to do something?" asked Beast boy. "Then you have to shut up for a week if I am in the room and otherwise leave me alone." I replied. "All right. And if I win then ... mhm ... ah, then I'll take you to the worst date in the world." he said and grinned cheekily. Cyborg snorted loudly and I blushed under my hood. Why did he want a date? But I took the bet.

"You definitely can't do it." I said when I handed the ten books to Beast Boy. With a grin he accepted it and replied "Bet that!" and disappeared into his room.

For the next three weeks we didn't get to see beast boy, unless there was food and then he took the food with him into his room. At first I wasn't too worried that  Beast Boy might win the bet, but gradually I got worried that I might lose the bet. And suddenly the first day of the next month arrived and Beast boy was standing in front of the couch in the common room and was ready for my questions.

Raven: "Okay, this book ... um, who was the killer?"

Beast boy: "The butler, he stabbed the landlord from behind with a basket opener."

Cyborg: "It was always the butler."

Raven: "Next book. Mmm ... who is the real main character in this book?"

Beast boy: "That's easy, Mirabell, she's the one who is killed by the murderer but resuscitated while Bruce stays in the beyond."

Raven: * nods * "Who's the real villain in this book?"

Cyborg: "Was it the butler again?"

Beast boy: "No, it was Viktor who instigated Liam to kill Lisa from behind, so Liam was actually just a henchman."

Cyborg: "I'm a bad guy!"

Robin / Star / Beast boy: * laugh *

This went on for an hour and Beast boy answered every question correctly. That ... was ... surprising. "Okay, you won the bet." I finally said. "Yeah," said Beast boy, jumping in the air.

"The date is tomorrow and I choose where we go and what you wear, I'll just put the things in front of your door." and with these words Beast boy had already left the room. " Great." I said and rolled my eyes.

The next day

A quick knock on the door and I already knew that the nightmare was about to start. Beast boy had left me alone all morning, and had even been gone briefly, but now he was probably standing in front of my door and probably wanted to start annoying me. I yawned and got up from my bed and went to the door and opened it. Outside it wasn't Beast Boy, there was just a box that was in front of my door, it said 'Hey Raven, you need something to wear on this special day, so I got you something.' The fact alone that Beast Boy called this day something special made me suspect that there was nothing good in this box. I went back to my room and closed the door behind me.

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now