The video game misson / last part/ 🔥

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Rachel's pov 😈

We made good progress. On the map, or at least that's what Kori said, there was a figure drawn. And above this stand the heart of tropical jungle. If we wanted to believe in Kori we just had to follow a path.

However, we were all pretty sure that this was one of the cases. Nevertheless, we were about to enter the path to which we had previously walked.
However, we also had some doubts.

"I still don't think it's a very smart idea to follow a path that is lit with very conspicuous torches." said Vic Dik upside down.

"I know you have your concerns, we all have them, but there is no other way." said Dik calmly.

"I have no concerns, I'm scared as hell!" Vic hissed back.

"And what if we don't take the path, but get to the stature through the jungle?" asked Gar.

"Not a bad idea, let's do it. Good idea Garfield." said Dik.

"Wait, I have an idea. We'll do it the 'stone way'." said Vic.

We agreed, even if we didn't know what the 'stone way' was.

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Dik's pov 💪🏻

We had already tried a few things, but there was something that had always thwarted our calculations.

Several, if not a pack, of big cats.

They had killed me once, or should I say torn?

In any case, after that we had given up trying, for the time being. Until Garfild came up with his idea and Vic with his 'stone way'.

Now we had a new plan, and it sounded promising!

The plan was simple, at least in theory.

But despite concerns on Rachel's part, we went through the plan.

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Garfield's pov ⚡️

I ran through the undergrowth, past a huge tree trunk. Behind me, five big cats who all wanted a piece of me.

But I was quick. Not as fast as in real life, but still. So I made these kitties look pretty old 😜.

The kittens followed me every step of the way. But I unhooked them and lured them into a trap.
Where Kori stood and spoke very gently to the cats. The cats became calmer, everything went according to plan!

Meanwhile at Vic ...

Nobody's pov👤

Vic had run a different path through the jungle. Now he was standing between huge trees, and heard a rustle on the right side, in the undergrowth. His breathing quickened and he tried to breathe lightly, but failed. His heartbeat got faster too and he swallowed. Whatever it was that was running towards him it was big, very big. The undergrowth parted and a large gray, almost white elephant stepped out. Vic was afraid, the elephant felt it, with his luck today, even more. The big animal approached slowly and with great caution. Vic was worried that the animal suffered from the curse and was about to attack him. But the animal didn't do that, and then Vic got an idea.

meanwhile with Rachel 😈 ...

Still nobody's pov👤

Rachel was supposed to take care of the motorcyclists who had approached and followed Garfield as he started running. She managed to bring everyone down. And just as she was showing the last of the drivers where to go, someone grabbed her from behind. It was a huge gorilla with empty, mindless eyes. He held her tight and carried her to his master. The old friend of the jeep driver, the man who you were sure was a killer. He held a gun to her temple. And screeched like a madman, he screamed and laughed dirty.

"Let go of her!" Yelled a voice known to Rachel, a very familiar voice. The madman looked around and saw Garfield with both feet firmly on the floor, with a final look.

Garfields pov⚡️

I was afraid for my girlfriend. this psychopath should kindly leave my Rachel alone!

I got angry and took a step towards the two, but then a huge gorilla jumped out of the bushes and started to beat me. I was lying on the floor bleeding and looking up at this madman and Rachel.

"take me instead of her." I whispered.

"I already did it." and with that sentence he let go of Rachel and kicked him in the face ... and then it got dark. But only briefly. It got lighter again, at least a little bit, as I fell from the sky to the jungle floor.

Rachel was gone, as was the madman and his monkey. I ran to the stature because she suspected it was there. Indeed, I saw him, still with Rachel. He held her shoulder and pushed the gun against her temple again.

I stood behind them, that meant he didn't see me. I snuck up and grabbed the gun from him. Then I pointed it at him, yes I definitely had enough of bad guys with gorillas as assistants.

My rescue went partly as planned, because the villain set jaguars on me. Fortunately, at that moment, Vic ... riding an elephant came to help me. The elephant fought the big cats and won.

In the meantime, Dik had climbed onto the stature and was about to put the gem back into the stature.

"No!" shouted the madman.

"Oh shut up." I said and shot him down with the gun I still had in my hand. The madman peeled off too dust and Rachel, whom he had still held tight, ran to me and hugged me.

We all shouted together: "tropical jungel".

When Dik put the gem back in its place, a wind came up and drums could be heard. And we, we disappeared back into our world, especially Vic with great anticipation.

The last thing I saw was my girlfriend's smile.


back in the real world ...

Still Gar's pov ⚡️

It was also the first thing I saw again when I opened my eyes. the most beautiful smile in the world, at least for me.

Raven was sitting on my lap on the couch in the common room with her face turned to me.

"Thank you for saving me." she whispered.

" Always." I whispered back. Then she kissed me, I grinned into the kiss.

It was maybe one of the craziest days ever, but it was also one of the best and I think we learned a lot about ourselves today. I, for example, that I would do anything for my girlfriend.



So, how did you like it? Write me a comment, I like to read feedback.

and to new one shots, which hopefully won't be as long as this one! 👤😈

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