The video game misson (including BBRae and Robstar) part 7

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Kori's pov 💫

Dik led us down a long corridor.

"On the walls!" he warned us. And not a second too late because the next moment spears hissed past us, luckily none of us were hit.

Dik led us on until we stopped at a pit. I ventured a look into it, but shrank back. There were at least ten crocodiles in the pit.

"ah!" also did vic when he caught a glimpse of the big lizards.

Dik took a board and laid it over the pit that we were supposed to stroll over.

Dik walked lightly over the board, despite his many muscles (🙄). Then Garfield walked across the board. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rachel, who seemed to be worried a lot. But she too crossed the board with ease. Then Vic also left, even if balancing with his bagback looked more difficult than with the others who hadn't worn a bagback. And then I had to go. I'm completely honest, I was scared, I mean who wouldn't be ?! But I did it, somehow. However, I somehow ended up in Dik's arms and looked at him dreamily.

"Hey, Dik where we going !?" Vic called, destroying us this moment. Dik was visibly annoyed.

"I found a warehouse with flying machines. We could use them to fly over a canyon or a mountain," Dik called back.

"All right, that sounds like a plan." said Vic.

"I bet you it's not that easy, vic." said Garfield.

"You are right. There are four guards in front of the warehouse, they have to be switched off. And I think you should both take care of that." Dik explained, pointing to Garfield and Rachel.

The two looked at each other, then nodded.

Nobody's pov👤

The decision was made and the reunited five made their way to the warehouse.

The tunnel was even longer than expected, but when the five finally saw the light of day again, they were standing in the middle of a forest.

"Where are we going now?" asked Vic, who was checking the contents of his backpack.

"We're going east." replied Dik, who had climbed on a medium-sized stone nearby to get an overview.

"Well ... and where is east?" Vic asked confused.

All of the other four titans looked at him blankly. How could he not have known? Because that's exactly what Dik had practiced with them in the first week when they became the Titans.

Well all in all this little slip by Vic was quickly forgotten and the five made their way east.

After a while they reached the warehouse in question and positioned themselves on a downhill slope.

"All right. Kori, Vic and I are going to the wire fence down there and the two of you, Garfield and Rachel, shut down the guards down there." said Dik, who gathered himself behind a large rock.

Everyone else nodded and the fun began.

Garfield and Rachel ran to the guards, and Garfield began to talk to them. Meanwhile, Vic, Kori and Dik snuck to the fence and climbed over it. They entered through a back door and looked around.

"What do we take now ?!" Vic asked the other two.

Meanwhile, the four guards outside became suspicious of Garfield and Rachel.
One of them was unobtrusively pulling out his gun and secretly pointing it at Garfield, but Rachel noticed it and hit the guard in the face.
Garfield was clearly astonished, but switched quickly and beat up the other guards.

In the end, Garfield and Rachel were facing each other, actually right in front of each other, only a few inches away from each other. Next to them lay four overwhelmed guards.

"oh man are you hot!" Garfield said to his girlfriend , out of breath.

"You don't look too bad yourself." Rachel replied and kissed her boyfriends lips.

Rachel just grinned and took Garfield's hand and pulled him to the warehouse where Vic, Kori and Dik still hadn't decided on a vehicle.

"You two were awesome!" Vic said as Garfield and Rachel entered.

The two thanked them. And then Dik pointed to a helicopter and said, "We'll take this one, but who's flying?"

"I'll do it, I'll fly." Garfield said "I've already done that since I was only nine." All of the Titans looked over at him, confused.
"Doom patrol." was his short and simple answer.

And with that, the five of them got into the helicopter. Garfield behind the wheel, Rachel in the passenger seat (I don't know if you call it that, but it doesn't matter😈) and Dik, Kori and Vic sit in the back of the other three. And then they took off.

Garfields pov⚡️

I'm honest, it was hard to keep the helicopter in the air, I noticed that from the first moment. Something was wrong!
So I shouted, "We have a problem, the clutch is sticking. One of you has to look up at the rotor blades."

" I do it." Dik said and got up and half climbed out of the helicopter.

Slowly but surely it was getting dangerous. The helicopter sank into a ravine and in this there was a huge herd of giant rhinos.

The helicopter brushed a few stones a few times, but then the clutch was repaired and we got on again. We all cheered and Dik and Kori kissed in the back while Vic looked weird.

"We have to turn around again. Heard bro, turn around again." he said.

" Why?" I asked.

"Because I may have dropped the gem, this shitty heart of the jungle." said Vic.

"Not your serious, are you?" Rae asked angrily.

But Vic's eyes said everything and I turned around, but these giant rhinos had circled the gem, so that it was impossible to get to.

Dik looked at Vic, somewhat apologetically, and then pushed him out of the helicopter. He landed on the ground and caught the attention of the rhinos. They all ran towards him. And Vic, who ran for his life, while Dik jumped out of the helicopter and grabbed the gem and then climbed back into the helicopter.

But Vic was trampled by the rhinos.

"Garfield, you will turn ninety degrees at my sign, understand?" called dik.

I nodded and at his signal I turned the helicopter so that Dik could Vic, who had fallen out of the sky,  hold one arm in the helicopter.

Then I flew over the gorge and landed in a meadow.

We got out and cheered everyone except Vic, who looked rather offended.

"Be happy, friend Vic." Kori asked him.

"I can't do that. I was the human sacrifice here. And ... and I've seen things ... uh," he said seriously.

However, we all burst out laughing.

"Yeah, just laugh. That's not funny, you know. If you've been in this situation ... some of it was in my face." he said, but grinned himself.

However, that only made us laugh more.


BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now