Robstar Game

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WARNING; This one shot is very long and only marginally about Bbrae, but somehow... It's more about all Titans...

It was a normal day in the titans tower... The five titans had beaten the hive's butts in the afternoon, as always they had won, of course. And now all five sat in the common room and pursued their typical hobbies.

Cyborg defeated Beastboy for the 222nd time in his favorite video game.

Robin sat at one of the tables and waited (a little green in the face) for Starfire to serve him a new dish from her.

And Raven was sitting on the other end of the couch reading one of her books.

Everyone was focused exactly on what he or she was doing, which is why everyone jumped up when suddenly Silki started to burp very loudly. Everyone turned and looked at him. Silki had turned blue and purple goo ran out of his mouth.

"Oh no! My Silki darling, you ate some of my food, didn't you?!" shouted Starfire and started to scratch Silki.

Robin, wondering if starfire would have reacted the same way if he had eaten the food himself, ran over to star and offered her help. But Star said no thanks and gave him a kiss on his cheek, whereby Robin blushed immediately, but didn't show anything because the other titans were still there too.

After a few minutes, the other titans went back to their normal hobbies while Starfire cleaned up Silki.

Starfire took a closer look at her friends. Cyborg, as always, was easy to take down Beastboy, in the video game of course. However, Beastboy wasn't exactly focused ,his concentration was on something else, or better yet, on someone else...

Starfire saw Robin come back through the door, waving with a stack of papers.

"What do you need that for, boyfriend Robin ?" Star asked, unnoticed to any of the other Titans, as Raven's focus was also on someone else...

"This is for the game what you taught me, I want to show the others." replied Robin.

"Oh joy!" shouted starfire and pulled Robin to the TV where Robin unplugged him. But Beast boy and Cyborg didn't like that at all.

"What are you doing!? I was so close to pushing Green Bean's character off the cliff of doom so that he had to start over at base one!" Cyborg yelled angrily.

"Yeah, what was that supposed to mean, dude!... wait, what did you want to do cy ?!" said beast boy.

"Oh friends, let's introduce you to a game I first taught Boyfriend Robin." Star said happily.

Raven put her book aside and scooted a little closer to the others.

"So 'Robin started'"In the game you have to draw (a short groan from Cyborg) anyways you have to draw everyone on the team. Each of us first writes our name on a piece of paper! l'II explain the rest in a moment."

Each of the five wrote their own name on a piece of paper. When they were all done with that they but every piece of paper in a bowl and mixed them.

The first to draw was Cyborg, he drew the name Robin and grinned widely, even if he didn't know what that brought him now. Next beastboy drew ,he got Starfire. After that it was Raven's turn, she drew Beastboy and smiled a little under her hood. Starfire pulled Raven's paper and that's how Robin ended up getting cyborg.

"And now?" Beast boy asked.

"Now each of us has to think about a specific situation in which we have already seen the person you drew and then write them here on the note, then everyone has to go away, for example go to their room and have two to four hours Time to sketcht everyone on the team. An important rule would be that at least one of the pictures has to be nice, so you can see that the person has made an effort. Okay, got it?" said Robin.

Everyone else nodded, then they all sat down on the couch and thought about the situation in which they wanted to draw the person they had drawn.

The first to stand up to write something on the note was Robin, he wrote 'Cyborg in a situation where he's smiling.' Cyborg himself grinned when he saw that." But I'm curious to see what you paint so beautifully." he said laughing and got up himself to write something. He wrote 'Robin in his boy band group outfit from our tokyo adventure.' Robin blushed. Starfire stood up and wrote 'Raven on her 16th birthday' she sat back down then Raven stood up and wrote 'Beast boy with my cape' everyone laughed as they all remembered well how Beastboy  very seriously ,walked passed Raven and pulled her cloak of her head. Finally beast boy got up too and went to the piece of paper and wrote 'Starfire the day we met her sister'.

"okay, let's get started then."said Robin and got up, the Titans shouldn't see each other again for three hours.


sequel follows....

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now