Ferris wheel

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Ravens Pov

As always, I sat in the small room that would bring me upstairs, not over the city but at eye level from an island that interested me, it was out on the water and I enjoyed looking at it. I didn't know why but I had a feeling. I also loved the jerking of the small chamber when it turned up and down. Ferris wheel. It was fun to look at the world from above and to look at the people.The chamber was about to wiggle when a boy jumped in and sat down across from me, before only I was in the chamber, but now he was sitting there! Puffing and panting a little, the boy leaned into the seat cushion. I looked at him a little annoyed but also a little ... in love ?! I mean, he really didn't look bad, rather the opposite! He was really handsome and cute and what I especially liked was his green hair. Suddenly our eyes met and he stared at me with his pistachio green eyes ...

Beast boys pov

When I jumped into the camber I hadn't noticed that someone was already sitting there, but I hadn't noticed that mine across the street was so beautiful. She looked beautiful, like an angel, like a dark angel! Her hair was purple with black streaks at the base. Her eyes were purple blue and shimmered in the moonlight, her lips were narrow but looked delicious. She was like a miracle, only that she was a real person but by the time it occurred to me we had long been at the highest point of the ferris wheel. And do you know those moments when you could actually say something or answer something but not do it and then you think 'yes, well, now it's too late, if I say that now it seems strange.' ? Yes? No? okay ... Anyway, I spoke to the girl. 'Um ... hi! By the way, my name is Gar. 'I said and tried hard to pay attention to everything around me except for her, because I thought I would be bright red for sure, I would look at her . 'Rachel' she said, 'My name is Rachel.' I smiled at her. The Ferris wheel kept spinning and Rachel and I talked about all sorts of things and got on really well. When the last round came to an end, I asked: 'I know that sounds strange now, but could you give me your number?' Rachel looked at me confused, but then with a soft smile. 'Sure, why not?' she answered.

And that was the day when I asked the love of my life for her  number for the first time, I forgot or lost the number several times over the next few years. But I have never lost my love for Rachel! 💚💜


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