Feelings are for children

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beast boys pov

The fist just missed my face, inches... If Mammoth wasn't so big I would have a chance, but because of his size I'm like a fly on an elephant's ass. It's not easy for the others either, 'Starfire fights See-More over a bag of money, both using their eyes extensively. Cyborg is having a hard time dueling with Gizmo... the two of them invariably only use their own designed and built gadgets. Robin and Raven actually took on Billy Numerous, but at this point they are outnumbered. All of us are fighting for the city here and I love my job very much, however I am considering looking for a job that doesn't make me feel like breaking my back all the time... I was just kidding!!!

Mammoth's fist hisses past my ears again, his face looks like he's about to wet his pants, and even though Mammoth is actually even more stupid than me, he's a real opponent who's becoming too dangerous!

Raven's pov

My heart is racing, slowly but surely the villian in the red suit in front of me is getting on my nerves. Robin fights through the crowd, so at least he's trying. Cyborg and Starfire are dealing with their villans and Beastboy...? He's having a very close fight with Mammoth, but it looks like he's having trouble with... oh what do you call that again... oh yeah, surviving !!!

third person pov

Each of the five teenagers hung in the fight, none of them could think straight, they concentrated on every movement, on everything that might give a chance to finish off the villians in front of them. They were all tired and just freaking out.

With a wave of criminals taking over Jumpcity, the five barely had enough time to deal with everyone. The consequence was a strong deficit on social bases.

Beastboy ducked Mammoth's hairy arm once more. His heart was racing, sweat was pouring down his forehead, he had never been so scared in a fight against Mammoth. Suddenly one of the Billy numerouse crashed into Beastboy and pushed him backwards. At the same moment, Raven was pushed by another of the Billy's... right into Beastboy...

Raven's pov

I wasn't in the situation until I was in the situation, sounds silly but is truthful. It wasn't until I felt Beastboy's hands on my back that I realized what was happening. He looked me in the eyes for a moment and then his gaze wandered further down. To my lips?! I started looking at his lips and we got closer and closer, I turned my head off, I didn't care what happened now...

Suddenly two Billys pulled us apart with a jerk.

I had to focus on the fight again. But I could not. My thoughts were exclusively on beastboy. Did he want to kiss me ?Was that what I wanted too?! Would that be okay with him or me? Was I sure about my feelings for him? Was he sure?

When I was done with all my questions, the fight between us and the H.I.V.E group was done and I came to the conclusion that feelings are for children.

My gaze roamed the street, the fight had left its mark... on beastboy too! He was completely devastated and bleeding in Cyborg's arms, I ran to him quickly. "Take him to the medicine wing of our tower, Starfire and I are taking the H.I.V.E to their new old home... prison!" ordered Robin. I nodded, but had a big lump in my throat.

Back in the Tower

We took Beastboy straight to the medical wing... I sat with him for a long time. I looked at his lips, why didn't I? Why hadn't I kissed him? I had nothing to lose, but now I do! Suddenly Beastboy jumped up, he looked at me

" I remember kissing you. Why do I remember kissing you?" he said with a red face.

"We didn't kiss!" I answered quickly and with hot and red cheeks.

" Oh.." Beastboy replied a bit dejected.


"You staring again." Beastboy said as he looked at me.

" On what!?" I replied in defence.

"You're staring at my lips." replied Beastboy.

I suddenly blushed "No, I'm not!"

Beastboy stood up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a warm hug.

"Raven, you know your boyfriend beastboy loves you, right?" he said.

"Yeah, it's only been a while since we've had alone time..." I replied.

"Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were."

„ That is how you describe our relationship?"


„ I love you green dork!"


BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now