(Part one) the other universe

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Draxon City 2 noon

Raven would have liked to escape the haze of the dirty streets and the extremely aggressive people there, but that wasn't possible. Draxoncity was her only authority. In any other city in the world she would probably be dead by now. She was a meta-human, someone who had special abilities and unmistakably looked like one. However, meta beings were almost never accepted , even feared. They were hunted down, beaten up, tortured and killed, slaughtered, murdered and even hanged. Meta-beings were frowned upon and dangerous to be. Raven knew meta beings who only ventured out once a month to replenish their supplies. It was bad enough being hated, but the thought of being murdered in the back at any moment just because you were a little different was nagging at her.

Raven was alone on the street, the street was dirty and littered. That was normal for her, nothing special. She much preferred an empty street to one with many people. Raven's steps quickened, she wanted to get home quickly, didn't want to stay out any longer than necessary. Her heart was beating faster, the feeling that someone was following her didn't leave her, despite the fact that nobody was near her. She was used to attracting a lot of looks, after all she was pale and had purple hair.

Raven turned a corner and climbed the stairs to her apartment building. She unlocked the door and disappeared behind the door. She ran up to the third floor. Once there, she opened the door to her apartment. She went into her apartment and locked it behind her. A safety precaution that was necessary given the circumstances. Raven was nineteen years old had no job no family or friends but she had her own apartment, a small one but it was her property! Raven took off her shoes and walked down the short hallway into her living room. She lay down on the sofa and looked at her ceiling . The circumstances under which meta beings had to put up with their lives were miserable! For example, they weren't allowed to vote, even if that was a point that Raven didn't really care about, but what was important was that Metas weren't allowed to go to school.

Raven got up and went to the small kitchen of her apartment. She still had that well known and hated feeling that there was someone, someone chasing her. But that was nonsense she was alone in her apartment, nobody was here she had locked it. If someone wanted to do something to her, that person could easily have done it on the street, nobody would have bothered. Not even another meta being would have intervened because they were too afraid of humans and their methods. Raven took a deep breath and walked slowly through the apartment. Through her living room through the hallway into her bedroom and then into her bathroom. Nothing, nobody was here. Raven breathed a sigh of relief.

The fear that someone was there was justified after all, Raven's parents had died that way. At that thought, Raven's gaze wandered over the hallway wall. Old pictures of herself and her parents hung on the wall. One of the pictures showed her parents, still young, laughing at the camera. Another showed the two dancing together, hugging each other, it was a wedding photo. A third picture showed Raven's father holding little Raven. Her father the demon, a meta. He had red skin and white hair and was unmistakably a meta. In the photo he was holding baby raven and smiling proudly at her, very proud. Raven's stomach clenched when she thought of standing next to her father at the door at the age of eight. Two officers rang the bell and wanted to take her father to the station, but her father refused. The officials got violent and Raven's father stood his ground. In the end the officers took him away... two days later her father's body was found, the deacon was beaten to the death. Raven remembered how much she cried, how much her mum cried.


Her mum died when she was fifteen, one day she just wouldn't come home, three days later Raven was visited by an officer who explained to her that her mother had been stabbed... Well, Raven's fear was and is quite justified. Raven was just about to make her way back to the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. Raven's heart was racing, her mouth went dry and her stomach churned. Unsure what to do now, she just stayed where she was the whole time. She didn't make a single peep. She wasn't breathing, she wasn't moving a single muscle! Raven closed her eyes and hoped that the someone standing in front of the door would give up and leave her alone, but there was a second knock, then a third and fourth knock. Afraid that the someone out there was going to knock the door down, Raven slowly walked to the door with trembling hands. She reached for the doorknob and clutched the cold metal t, her heart was pounding to her throat and her libs were trembling...

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now