A song for gods or demons?

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Nobody's POV 👤

It wasn't the first time that the other titans wanted to drag Raven to a party. To be honest, they did that all the time. But today it was a costume party. Raven hated costumes, apart from the fact that she walked around in one every day.

The party was the next day and Raven was already not happy. Because for the party they were supposed to dress up as a different member of the titans, and since Cyborg had chosen Bee, even if it was more difficult to dress up with his robo body, he insisted on it.

Robin and Star fire were a couple, so it was clear that they disguised themselves as each other, logical! Star had found this idea great, Robin had grumbled but as cyborg explained to him that he could also go out of star fire as a male kind, he was in.

Which in the end led to the fact that Raven had to dress up as beast boy. You couldn't say that she didn't like it, on the contrary, she secretly thought it was great, but it was a big step for her. In addition to being noticed, beast boy behaved strangely when it came to the topic of a costume party, for the whole week. Raven was completely unaware of why.

Either way, whether Beast Boy wanted it or not, they had to go through with it.

So the night before the party, Raven was standing in front of Beast boy's door and was about to knock ...

Ravens pov 😈

I was standing in front of his door, just wanted to ask for one of his costumes, and wondered why I even took part in this crap. But it didn't help to defend oneself anyway. So I played along. The only question was, did it have to be Beast boy that I was supposed to dress up as?

"Yes, simple answer." I said to myself. And then I wanted to knock, but ... I heard something, a voice ... and it was singing. It was a beautiful voice, not deep but scratchy but at the same time clear. And the sound sang the voice long and it became smokier and smokier. The voice was wonderful.

I was so hypnotized that I didn't notice I knocked. The voice fell silent and that was the last thing I wanted. Then the door opened and Beast boy stood in the door frame.

He was taller than me, only five centimeters, but still. His skin was skin-colored, ever since he was a half god. He was muscular and had a smile on his lips as always, but right now it looked more like a nervous smile, weird.

"Hey Rav, what's up?" asked he.

"First: don't call me that, my name is Raven! And second: I'm here for one of your costumes, for tomorrow, you know." I told him.

"Oh, right." he said and slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand.

Then he invited me in. His room was neat, to my surprise.

Beast boy noticed my look and said: "I knew you had to come in here to borrow a costume, and I cleaned it up. I don't want to leave a bad impression." He was grinning at me and I didn't know why, but he looked kind of cute. I blushed slightly so I turned to his closet so he couldn't see my face. I had forgotten to put on my cloak, which meant that I didn't have a hood either.

"Um ... okay, here are my costumes, clean mind you."he said as he opened his closet.

I let my gaze wander over the costumes, then I pointed to one of the relatively high slopes and said: "could I have that, that could be about my size."

"All right." answered Beast boy who was standing behind me. He stretched and took a step forward, so at the same time one step closer to me. He touched me, to be precise, I was standing with my back against his chest. I blushed brightly, luckily he didn't see it.

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now