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Beastboys pov

What's there inside me, this tendency to get killed by a monster that has to do with my powers, it's scary... anyway, it's beach day today. I wouldn't say I trained for this extra months in advance to look good in front of the girls... but I did! Also, Cy, Robin and I have a bet going on, although Star and Raven told us to refrain from such activities, whatever, we'll do it anyway even though Robin and I are likely to die afterward at the hands of our girlfriends.

Raven and I have been together for 2 months now and it's actually going really well... she's just not the romantic type of person... she doesn't prefer physical contact either, which is okay... I guess . She spends a lot of time in her room, which makes me wonder if Robin has already confiscated the book with Malchoir in it. I mean it could be, right?! Thing is, if I'm being honest, I wish Raven was a little more open minded about our "relationship". But I don't want to offend her either, after all it was a miracle that she didn't have any major objections.

"Little green one, where are you?" I heard Cy call out... I swallowed hard and left my room.

" Hey... everything alright?!" Cy asked me worried.

"Yes, yes, probably just a little cold..." I replied and wiped a tear from my cheek... I had no idea that I had cried, but there weren't any tears in my eyes, were there?

Whatever happened to my face, I didn't have to worry anymore, it was beach day after all.

literally 1 minute later

"Sorry guys we have to cancel the beach day, I mean just look outside none of us can handle these waves." said Robin. Then Star, Cy and I grumbled, only Raven didn't seem to mind and disappeared straight back into her room. The others also moved away.

Star and Robin went to Robin's room to do what do I know! Hopefully something that wouldn't blow my mind if I accidentally made the mistake of knocking on Robin's door to borrow a case file. Ever since the incident last September I've been knocking and counting down from 20 so at least  they have time to sit at least 10 feet apart because I don't want to see that again.

Cy had disappeared into the garage, he Face timed with Bee while repairing his treasure. By the way, that's his idea of ​​a date... so a date with Bee not with his car... although...

And well Raven, she was in her room... felt like 2 months...! I don't know what I did wrong but... at least it couldn't be because of my room, because I had (halfway) cleaned it up , for her:)

I decided head over heels to simply ask Raven what I was doing wrong and accordingly ran straight to her room.

When I got there, I knocked, it took a moment before the door opened. Raven opened the door just a crack "What?!" she asked annoyed, i knew the sound only too well for me it should actually be a signal to run, but nope!

"I...thought we...could do something know because...well I-"

" No!" Raven said and closed the door. I stood there thinking, the only thing I could do now...

"Raven," I said after knocking again, "I love you! And I'm not saying this for you to say it back, I'm saying it for you to know."

Then I left to occupy myself elsewhere...

Ravens pov

I had just closed the door, that had been hard enough but then...

I felt tears welling up in my eyes, it hurt... a lot.

"Finally the little idiot is gone!" I heard his voice.

"He's not an idiot!" I said and looked directly at Malchior.

"He is if he still believes in the good in you... cause there's nothing left... nothing!!"

I swallowed... then a rash act, something I should have done a long time ago. I opened the door and ran into the common room, sure to find someone there who could help me.

I yanked open the door to the common room, Beastboy was sitting on the couch playing video games. I didn't think twice and threw myself next to him and laid my head on his shoulder.
He paused the game. "Hey... Rae, are you alright?!" I shook my head "I need help" I whispered. Beastboy looked at me and stood up...he felt it. He stood nose to nose in front of Malchior, eyes staring at him. "You!"

A direct fight ensued and Beastboy quickly transformed into the Beast to protect me. I saw that he could fight Malchior but couldn't defeat him, so I got the book. I locked Malchior back into the book with a lot of effort. Beastboy currently transforming back.

" I... I'm sorry, I wa- " I was about to start apologizing but... Beastboy took the book from me and with a swing he turned into a little dragon and burned the book!

"Never having to see that idiot again, that's good!" he said and smiled, and I smiled too.

Can we lie down maybe?" I asked... Beastboy smiled broadly. "Of course!"

Without me being able to do anything about it, he carried me into my room and put me on the bed and threw himself next to me. "So you're into something like that?" he asked confused.

" Yes, of course!" I replied.

"Oh and Beastboy...I may not be your first love, first kiss, first time or first date, but I want to be your last everything."

Beastboy smiled and leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was soft and loving and so much more than I could have dreamed of. I smiled ... two months this was something I was only able to dream about but now it was reality and it was an amazing feeling.


BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now