Pranks are just a situation in life

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Beast boys POV

The light of the moon seemed to portray her perfectly, she looked perfect. How she slowly turned the pages of her book, how she told the text with her lips, how her lips shone. How she pretended to ignore me as she brushed one of her many purple strands behind her ear. She is beautiful.

"Beast boy what's wrong with you?" Raven asked annoyed, without at least looking away from her book. The book was still more important than me and that bothered me!

I sighed, "It's just my girlfriend thinks a big book is more interesting than her boyfriend ." I said a little dejected.

"I really like your girlfriend." answered Raven.

" Why?" I asked confused.

"Because everything in this world is more interesting than you Beast boy!" she replied and closed her book and got up.

I also got up and replied, offended, "Well, if that's the case, if you really think so than we have an argument right now!" Then I stormed out of the room, angry and disappointed, close to tears.

In another room ...

Cyborg and Robin looked at each other, but it wasn't planned that way.

The plan had been to prank Beast boy by building a robot that sounds and looks exactly like Raven and playing a prank on him, but Robin and Cyborg hadn't considered that it might hurt Beast boy if his 'Girlfriend' treated him like that.
Cyborg and Robin looked depressed, but then decided to clear it up the next day.

Next day...

The next day Beast Boy wasn't in the tower, he just didn't come and nobody had any idea where he was.

"Where's Gar? I wanted to ask him something." asked Raven who had just entered the common room.

"Well he's not here." noted cyborg sherlock Holmes moderately and just smiled guiltily at Raven.

"Cyborg what did you do?" Raven asked angrily, she knew cyborg and she knew that look.

Cy and Robin shared everything with fear, sweat and prayed that Raven wouldn't kill them, and she didn't, but she was close to it.

"You have what ?!" she screamed with four red eyes.

"I would never say anything like that to him!" Raven yelled, eyes slightly wet.

"Yes, we're sorry too, but ..." said cyborg.

"There's no that but, friend cyborg! If the relationship between Raven and Beast boy should be destroyed, it's the yours fault!" said Star Fire with a serious expression.

"Got it, Star fi-" said Robin.

"You don't have to say anything about that, Robin, I'm just disappointed with you. And don't you dare come to me until Beast boy is cleared up!" Said Star, slightly angry.

Robin just nodded and went looking for Beast boy with cyborg.

Three hours later....

Robin and cyborg stood in front of an apartment and rang the bell.

"According to BB Handy tracking device, he's here." cyborg mumbled depressed. He knew that they had done something wrong and that it hadn't been their right to split BB and Raven apart, but it hadn't been her intention either.

Robin pounded on the door impatiently. "Open the door Beast boy, we know you're in there!" he said in a harsh tone. It seemed cyborg as if his mask-wearing friend had no desire that his girlfriend was mad at him.

"Is Raven with you?" came from the other side of the door.

Cyborg and Robin looked at each other. "No, she's not here." Said Robin, pressing his forehead against the door, one could almost feel sorry for him.

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now