Robstar game 2

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Beastboys pov

I retreated to my room, as Robin had advised us. I sat down at my desk and grabbed my pencils. To say I can't paint would be a lie, I can... I rarely do it because... is it a good skill for a boy to paint, who knows? Anyway, I immediately started looking for paper when suddenly there was a knock on my door, and I knew the type of knock...

"Come in Raven," I called.

Raven came through the door and closed it again, then she came to me at the desk. She took a quick look at my paraphernalia and then turned her head towards me and took off her hood.

"Do you have any spare pens I can use?" she asked me and smiled at me, i loved her smile it was the most beautiful smile in the world.

"um... yeah sure." I said and got up. I went over to my closet and opened it, as usual an avalanche of my clothes flew towards me and buried me under it. I heard Raven giggle, the most beautiful sound I could hear that day, or any other.

I got out of the avalanche with the help of Raven and got up, she smiled at me and my knees went weak... I mean of course she's my girlfriend but still. Every time I see her my heart is racing, besides we're not really a couple, we don't really have a relationship with kissing or cuddling or anything, even if she wanted to, it's not possible, it's too dangerous with her powers .
It's okay as long as I can call myself Raven's boyfriend.

I rummaged around in the closet for my old pencils and actually found them, which was unusual as one of my room philosophies is that if something gets lost in the closet (or under the bed), it's gone, forever!(That's the reason why I have to wear two different socks every day, because they all hide under my bed!)

I gave Raven my pens and she thanked me and teleported away. I looked at where she had been standing for about a minute, but then I wanted to look at my desk again, after all I had to start painting at some point.

3 hours later...

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant