Theater is crap ,or not? (part two)

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Rachel's POV 😈

I put my cell phone aside and plopped down on my bed. I sighed. I was going out with a boy and his friends, and I had to admit I was into that boy. I don't know, he's just so cute, funny and mighty interesting, I don't know what's so interesting about him, but he is.

I waited another forty-five minutes when the doorbell rang. I rushed downstairs and opened it. In front of me stood Garfield, with his green, fluffy hair, his green sneakers, a dark green sweat shirt, gray pants, a black beanie and ... a little black dog on a purple leash? "Hey Rachel, how are you? Oh and if you should ask yourself who this young lady is," Garfield pointed to the little dog, "this is Sky, my little puppy." The little dog looked at me with big eyes , Sky was really cute.

"Shall we go for a walk?" asked Garfield, tearing me away from the puppy look of the little puppy. "Sure, I'm just going to get a jacket quickly." I answered, and disappeared into the next room. I then closed the front door behind me and when I turned around, Garfield was standing right in front of me, I was hanging, so to speak, right on his chest. I felt my cheeks get hot again, and Garfield's cheeks went red too, I think.

To make matters worse, his puppy ran happily around us and tangled us on his leash. Now we were tied to each other, somehow and staring into each other's eyes. It was embarrassing, but also kind of nice. "Um ... did we want to go now?" I asked, but it was more of a whisper because I was afraid that if I moved my lips I would touch Garfield's lips with them. But it didn't happen, and we untangled ourselves from the leash, from the still happily hopping puppy Sky.

Then we went off. I didn't know where or to whom, but we went. Together, right next to each other and in front of us, the little puppy Sky sniffed at something every five seconds . I grinned at the little puppy. Garfield noticed this and asked, "Do you want to hold her, too?" I nodded and replied "sure." He smiled, and that smile made me feel warm, safe and ... love. Although I barely knew him, I really liked Garfield, he was just great. But well, normally I don't say something like that about other people, or about myself. But then why about him? Strange!

So I took the leash from Sky and Garfield showed me where to go. At the end we stood in front of a small cafe that also turned out to be a bar. We went in, and at the counter we met five boys and three girls. We greeted each other and Garfield introduced me briefly and then we sat down at the counter. "Do you want to take Sky on your lap? She's lying there very still. And if not, I'll take her." Garfield asked. "Yes, please." I replied and made myself comfortable on one of the chairs. Garfield put Sky on my lap and sat in the chair next to me.

"Hey," said one of Garfield's friends, I think it was Victor when Garfield just ordered us something to drink, "Are you Garfield's partner in the play?" "Yes, I just answered and Victor grinned." Why are you grinning like that Vic? "Asked Garfield, who had turned back to us." I'm grinning because Rachel has to kiss you in this play, and she's either totally cool with it, or because she doesn't know it yet." he replied with a grin. I looked between him and Garfield and tried to clear my head quickly. But that didn't work, so I took Sky in my arms and left the bar. I was neither devastated nor angry, but confused and I just needed fresh air. So now I was standing outside the bar with a puppy in my arms who was looking at me as if she wanted to tell me something.

The bar door opened and Garfield stepped out. "Rachel," he began, "I'm sorry. I thought you knew about the kiss ... well actually that's a lie, because who would stay so cool if this girl knew that she was going to kiss such an ugly boy  like me."

I grabbed Garfield by his sweat shirt and pressed our lips together. I did this because everything he'd just said hurt me. He described himself as ugly, but he was handsome and nice. And I liked him, I loved him. With one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek, Garfield stood there kissing me. In the meantime, Sky, who was still sitting on my arm, snuggled up to me and Garfield.

When our lips parted, Garfield asked "Why, why did you kiss me?" It seemed as if he had only just realized it, I smiled and said, "I have to practice for the play ,don't I?" And with these words he pulled me close and kissed me again, his grin was incorrigible.

🐶 End 🐶

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now