good babysitter

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Ravens pov 😈

"Oh man, oh man, oh man! They're coming soon, I'm so excited about Marie! And of course Star and Ro- uh, I mean Nightwing." shouted my boyfriend through the whole apartment. I was standing in our bedroom and was making our bed when he started babbling again. "I'm so happy about Mar-" I cut him off by kissing his lips. "Come down, Gar, she's just our friends' daughter." I said, "Well, but not just any friends. This is Star Fires and Nightwings Kid, the two of them are something like big siblings for us. And besides, Marie is super sweet and loving." he replied. "Seems like you're crazy about her." I said with a smile as I turned away from him to make the bed further. He helped me with that.

"Well ... she's just cute ... but I know someone who I like more ." he said and walked slowly towards me. Oh no, I knew what was coming next. "Garfield, no tickle attack!" I said as I backed away.

But that didn't help and so he got hold of me and tickled me through. I laughed so much that after two minutes I couldn't anymore, and at an opportune moment pulled his shirt to my face and kissed him just to make him stop. We distracted each other so much that we didn't hear the bell and only noticed it when it rang for about the tenth time.

We got up and looked at the completely devastated bed, which had just looked nice, but it doesn't matter.

We ran to the front door and opened it. Star fire and Nightwing were standing outside with little Marie in their arms. "Hey you two, that took a long time." said Nightwing in amazement as he looked at us. Star eyed us too and then asked, out of the blue, "Did you have ...?" "No, we didn't, Star !!!" Gar answered quickly before Marie heard something she shouldn't hear. "Don't you want to come in?" I asked both of them. They just nodded and went into our apartment.

Inside, Star looked into our bedroom and the devastated bed and deduced her features from it. "Are you sure you don't ...?" she began, "Yes Star, we are sure!" I replied quickly, rolling my eyes.

In the middle of this clearly uncomfortable moment, a cell phone rang. Everyone looked at Nightwing, who just looked embarrassed and answered the phone. We heard him speak and argue, then he hung up. He turned around and said, "Star, we have to go to Gotham, they need us there." "But what about Marie, we can't read her with Albert today, he's at a meeting for the correct use of dusters." replied Star worried, Gar suppressed a laugh.

I poked him in the side to make him stop. Apparently an idea occurred to him. "Hey, just leave Marie here. We, and especially my Raven, are great with children. We'll take care of Marie as long as you're gone." he suggested and I nodded. "Be sure, it will be a lot of work with her." Nightwing doubted. "Yes, we are sure, one hundred percent! We can do it." replied Gar excitedly. "All right then so be it." said Star with a big, grateful smile.

Then Star and Nightwing left. As the door closed behind them, Gar said, "It'll be easy, I mean how hard it can be to take care of a little girl."

Oh, if he only knew what Marie was going to do with us for the day.

Nobody's pov 👤

two o'clock...
Eating time!

The whole kitchen full of orange stains. Two tired young adults standing in front of a high chair where a happy and excited child was sitting. "It must be possible that she eats her porridge, right?" asked the green-haired and green-skinned young man named Beast Boy, or Garfield, if you will. He and his girlfriend had been trying for ten minutes to feed Marie, who was wriggling in her chair. "It doesn't do any good, let's give up." said his girlfriend after she got a lot of orange pulp on her face. Beast boy rolled his eyes and then picked up Marie. He covered her eyes and motioned Raven to try it now. And she did, and Marie ate it all, the whole porridge was empty afterwards. Happy and satisfied, the two then fell on their sofa and sighed happily. It was over, they thought.

four o'clock ...
Potty time

After Marie had played with Beast Boy for two hours, she signaled to both of them that she urgently had to go somewhere. Marie was four years old
which meant that she could go to the toilet alone, but her parents had arranged things with her so that Marie never went to the toilet alone, but always someone else with her. So, for reasons unknown to us and also to Beast boy, Raven sent Beast boy into the bathroom to take care of Marie. " Why me?" Beast boy whined as he walked by on his way to the bathroom. "Because you think she is so cute and I don't want to withhold such a moment from you." Raven replied with a grin. "Okay, I got it," he replied and let go of Marie's hand and told her to go in and start. Marie nodded and disappeared into the bathroom. Beast boy walked over to Raven, took her by her waist and pulled her close and whispered "If I don't survive this I want you to know I love you Rachel Roth." She rolled her eyes and put her hands on his shoulders and said, "I know." Then she leaned forward and kissed him. Then he disappeared into the bathroom.

The two of them just stayed in the bathroom for quite a while and didn't come out. Every now and then Raven heard noises, but she thought it was nothing. But when the door opened, first a happy and relieved Marie stalked out, and then a completely burned-out beast boy. "Wow, that was really intense." he whispered before falling over.

Half past four...

Marie slept peacefully on the sofa while Raven and Beast boy cleaned everything the little alien had done. Beast boy was wearing a bandage because he somehow managed to break his hand while doing the toilet. Then, while cleaning up, the doorbell rang and Raven opened the door. Alfred stood outside and waited for Marie to be handed over to him, which happened immediately. Before Alfred got Marie pressed into his hands, however, she opened her eyes one last time and ... then sneezed a huge green ball of fire. Alfred hissed off, with Marie, and Beast boy and Raven stood there, just like that.

Beast boys pov⚡️

Raven cleaned everything up with a snap of her finger and the rest of the evening we did what we had planned after the visit of Star and Nightwing, go shopping.

When we got back home I made Raven and myself a pot of pasta with tomato sauce and cheese, with which we sat down in the living room and watched a film while we ate. "That was an exciting day." I said. " You can say that again." replied Raven who had already eaten her noodles and left her head on my chest. With a smile, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Then in the evening in bed ...

I had Raven carried to our bed and covered her and cuddled her up. Then I got ready and lay down next to her. Now I looked at her all the time. No matter how chaotic that day was today, Raven would still be a great mum. With a smile, I pulled her closer to me and laid her head on my chest. " Good night my angel." I whispered.

💚 end 💚

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now