A slightly different thanksgiving surprise

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Ravens pov😈

Today we celebrated thanksgivinig in the tower, and Cyborg, Star and Robin were already in the kitchen preparing the food. For me that was a bit of an exaggeration. I sat next to the stairs and read, but kept looking over at the others.

Everyone worked hard, and it was just 8 o'clock in the morning. Thanksgiving was important to everyone. For me it was a day with a lot of food and constant conversation about what we were grateful for. A very catchy holiday.

When I was still thinking, the door to the common room opened and a tired beast boy entered. I got up and met him.

"* yawn * .. good morning." he said, put an arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled happily.

"Morning grass stain." cyborg called to his little buddy.

Beast boy let go of me and went over to cyborg. "Is there any way I can help?" asked he.
In the meantime I sat on the couch and read on.

When the others finished their preparations after a while, Beast Boy sat next to me on the couch and secretly read along. A grin fell on my lips,  he was just cute.

"Hey, I wanted to say, you know that the titans east are coming to Thanksgiving today, right?" asked Robin. We nodded, we knew that.

"Well, good. I don't want a fight between you and Aqualad, okay cyborg." said robin.

"Just like you won't compete with Speedy, won't you boyfriend Robin?" Star asked reproachfully. Robin scratched his head in embarrassment and said yes.

Beast boy and I looked at each other and grinned.

A few hours later ... ⏳

Beast boys pov ⚡️

Now it was 5 o'clock in the evening and titans east wanted to come in an hour. I was lying next to Raven in her bed. She was reading and I was pretending to be playing a video game on my cell phone, but I was secretly reading along.

Raven turned to me and put her book aside. "Oh, at such an exciting point in this chapter," I said.

"I knew you were reading again, all the time." she said with a cheeky smile. I looked away, ashamed. But she slid closer to me and kissed me. "And I love that you're starting to share my interests a little."

Suddenly the alarm went off.

So actually that was our doorbell. We jumped up and ran into the hallway. There we met Robin, Star, Cyborg, Bumble Bee, Speedy, my buddy Aqualad, kid flash, jinxs and ... Terra!
What was Terra doing here ?!

"hi, beastie." she greeted me.

I waved to her and then looked at Raven. She was angry, I could tell by her, even if she tried to hide it all. I took her hand and walked up to the others. We all hugged each other, but when I got to Terra she shook hands with me. I was a bit surprised, but also relieved.

"We both know that there was never anything between us." she whispered. And she was right, I had never really felt anything for her. And nothing serious, like a kiss, ever happened between us.

"You have found your person, I am happy for you." she said honestly. I nodded with a smile.

"Let's eat!" called cyborg. We all made our way to the common room, but when I was about to turn a corner, a hand grabbed me from behind and pulled me back.

"Aqualad, ... what is it?" I asked Aqualad whom I just put my fist under his nose. He had frightened me and then my powers had become noticeable.

"I wanted to confess something to you." he said. "Have you slept with a bad guy?" I quipped.

"No, but I'm going to date roy." he replied. "I know that," I answered him. That was clear to me, I knew my best friend from titans east. I knew he was gay, that was no surprise.

He just smiled gratefully and we went into the common room together. There we all sat down at the table. There was so much food on the table that I couldn't see myself sat. Raven, who was sitting next to me, looked at me doubtfully. I looked at her inquiringly.

I raised my voice and said, "who's going to start saying what they're grateful for?"

Cyborg raised his robotic arm and stood up, "I'm grateful for my baby, the teen titans car ... and of course my wonderful girlfriend Bee, hehe." he said while scratching his head.

"Okay, I'm grateful for this great family and for my amazing girlfriend. And I wanted to say, no matter how stupid I am sometimes, I still love you." I said, putting my arm around Raven. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

Speedy got up and started to speak: "I am thankful for my great boyfriend, Aqualad. I am very grateful that you gave me a chance to show you that I deserve your love."

I smiled at the two of them and Raven, who was still cuddled up to me because we were all sitting on our benches. Raven knew about Garth and Roy too, I think we all did.

"By the way, I'm grateful for my superpowers, my girlfriend and all of this food." said Wally. I snorted a little, but quietly and he grinned cheekily.

"Well, I'm grateful for the many friends, my boyfriend Robin, my brothers Beast boy and cyborg and for my sister Raven." said Star happily.

"Then to us, and to a nice thanksgiving!" Robin concluded when everyone had said what they were grateful for.

We started to eat. When we were all full and then cleared the table, Terra came to me and whispered: "Could you and Raven come out into the hall with me?" I just nodded silently.

I went to Raven and explained the situation to her, at first she wasn't exactly happy, but I took her hand and promised her not to let go of it. Then she agreed.

Outside in the hallway stood Terra waiting for us, hands crossed in a diamond.

"Hey what is it?" Raven asked a little harshly.

"I wanted to ask you something, and since I was embarrassed in front of the others, I wanted to do it here." she explained. We nodded, what came next?

"I like and love a woman, I am with her and we will have offspring in eight months." she said, with a firm voice. Raven and I had our mouths open. At some point Raven found her voice again. "Wow ... congratulations. That ... that's great!"

"Thank you guys, you two are the best. And I wish you both all the happiness in the world." she said and hugged us both. Then she went back to the others.

Raven and I stopped outside and I pulled her closer to me. "It wasn't that bad, was it?" I whispered, and with one of my hands I pulled the hood off Raven's head so I could see her face.

"You're right, it was ... surprising and I'm happy for her and her girlfriend ... but she is nineteen ?!" she said, with her face only five centimeters from mine. "Well, dear, whoever deserves love, and it can always be different and at different speeds." I said. Raven smiled and put her arms around my neck.

"At different speeds, yes?" she said with a grin and then closed the gap between our lips.

🦃 end 🦃

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now