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I particularly like this one shot because it has an important and beautiful message. The idea with Mrs. Header just came to me, but read for yourself and write me what you think.

Nobody's pov 👤

It was a high-pitched noise that rang in all ears. It was a warning to hide  under the tables and so did the students. Everyone with pounding hearts and sweaty clothes sat under their tables and prayed not to die. But what would that do? Nothing, it didn't matter if they were praying or just sitting there sweating of fear. It didn't matter if you hid under the tables, the murderer who threatened the school and the students with a gun would get you.
Garfield had no doubt about that. He pressed himself against the floor with the girl next to him and wished he hadn't just come to school today. He glanced over at his friends. His two big brothers also huddled on the floor and screwed up their eyes.

Suddenly they heard gunfire and a painful scream. Everyone knew exactly what had happened, but no one dared to speak or even breathe.

There was dead silence in the room. Then a door kicked open and a man entered. He had two guns in his hands and they were loaded. "Listen, we'll do it simply . Anyone who dares to move will be shot if you shut up and stay still, you will maybe survive." said the man with a crazy undertone. He was a freak no question and he was dangerous, that was clear. "Yes, as if you would dare to." said Malchior the idiot of the class with a sardonic laugh. The freak pointed his gun at him and pulled the trigger. Blood rushed across the room and onto the other students. "Now you can see how serious I am. Very serious!" shouted the man.

Garfield felt himself terrified. He didn't want to die, not now and not like this! Suddenly Garfield felt someone take his hand in hers and squeeze it tight. "Remember this day that it will haunt you for the rest of your life, it will be a moment that you will never forget and neither will I." shouted the madman and disappeared from the classroom.

Nobody dared to move, they all lay still and hardly dared to breathe. Rachel, still holding Garfield's hand, pressed her head against his shoulder. "I ... I'm scared." she whispered. "We all are ." replied Garfield softly. And despite this situation, Rachel smiled slightly with him she felt safe even in such a situation.

"It's hard for me to say, but we have to get out of here." said the teacher of the class, trying to sound as brave as possible. She was afraid for her students, not for herself. If the murderer caught her, it wouldn't matter, she was old and her students still had their whole life ahead of them. So how sure one of the generals once said 'let's make sacrifices to get to our goal'. And with this thought she got up and ran to the door and spied out. Nothing, there was no one, no one who could harm her students. "Now or never." she hissed to her students. They were hesitant and afraid, she understood that, she was also afraid, but it was worth a try and she had to make that clear to her students: "Hey, what do I tell you before every class test?" she asked the class. "I know you can do it, just give your best." whispered the whole class in a choir. Her students drew new courage and ran out of the room at three.

Rachel and Garfield ran for their lives, literally. And that's when Garfield decided to ask Rachel for a date if they should survive this. Still hand in hand, the two of them and the rest of the class ran down the aisle. Every now and then Garfield looked back, he wanted to be sure that they were safe. But how could they after all was a madman after them. Suddenly the shots started again and behind Garfield and Rachel a classmate fell to the ground with a painful scream. They didn't turn around, they ran on, didn't stop, tried to make it to the exit. More shots were fired and the fear grew, blood spattered and while those who were still alive were running they questioned their lives the whole time.

Another shot was fired and, she heard it, and then a pain that ran through her body paralyzed her. She sagged lifeless, the last thing she thought was "I know my students can do it."

Rachel had seen what had happened to her teacher, but she kept running. With Garfield by the hand, she ran to the exit door and pushed it open. The remaining students had so much speed on it that they jumped all the stairs and found protection behind a police protective wall.

Rachel and Garfield looked at each other in disbelief, they had made it as had all their friends. Still, a few were no longer with them. Rachel hugged Garfield happily, despite bloodstained clothes and bloodstained face, Rachel kissed Garfield once. He looked at her in surprise and her friends applauded.

One week later...

Garfield was standing outside the town church in a black suit. Today was the funeral of the deceased teacher of her class. He wasn't happy, but he had a surprise, an assignment.

"Hey Gar, how are you?" Rachel asked who had just joined him. "I'm mostly sad but also a little excited." replied Garfield with a tired smile. " Why?" Rachel asked in surprise. " You will see." answered Garfield. Rachel smiled and put her hands on his shoulder and kissed him. " Yeah, I guess I will." She said.Then they went to the church and sat on one of the many benches.

Victor Stone and Karen Bee went to the front and began to give their funeral speech together.

"Mrs. Header was a good teacher. She was old and brave, she chased us out of this building and we owe our lives to her. She is a heroine and always will be. The madman was right, this day will be ours for us always be remembered, namely the day that Mrs. Header showed us that you don't have to have superpowers to be a hero or a heroine. No, she just needed her mind and her good heart to save us from this situation. And that's why we love her! " Victore raised his arm and everyone else in the room followed suit. Then Karen asked Garfield for the increase and he went upstairs. There was a microphone there and he started to speak.

"We all know that Mrs. Header didn't think much of strict rules. And we also know that she would have wanted us not to mourn, but to celebrate. We celebrate as a person and to be happy that we survived and that this freak is now behind bars . And I know that she would have liked me to sing something, and I want to do that in her honor. " And with that Garfield started singing 'Happier von Marshmello' and everyone else got up and listened to the music.

And Mrs. Header's soul sat there and smiled contentedly, her little children had grown up and that they lived was the greatest reward for her.

  🔸 end 🔸

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now