I'm not stupid but I know how to use it

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Nobody's pov 👤

Beast boy sat on his bed pondering.
'Titans, I have something important to announce!' it screamed from the comuinicator on the bedside table. Beast boy got up and, lost in thought, went into the common room. Once there, he stopped next to Raven and accidentally bumped into her. Raven gave him a deathly look. 'I'm sorry Rav, really.' said Beast Boy and looked into her eyes for a moment. His cheeks turned pink and he quickly turned away. Raven's cheeks turned pink too, but you couldn't see it under her hood.

Then Robin stepped in front of the four Titans who were now present. 'Titans, I am willing to do an IQ test in this group, is that okay with you?' Said Robin. All of the Titans nodded and Robin turned to Beast boy. 'Beast boy, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I could understand if you wanted to pass. ' Robin continued. Beast boy was outraged, but only internally. 'No Robin, I would like to take part in the upcoming test.' Beast boy replied with a confident smile. 'Okay, tomorrow at eleven o'clock is the test. We'll do it one after the other, but tomorrow at eleven I'll tell you when it's your turn. ' explained Robin. Again everyone nodded and then they all did their own thing again, so largely ...

In Beast boys room an hour later ...

Beast boy sat on his bed and read a few more books, but always had a comic next to it in case someone comes in. Beast boy focused on the lines and didn't notice a young lady sneaking into his room. Beast boy was suddenly strangled from behind. Between a soft giggle and a short chuckle, Raven breathed in and out softly. ' What are you doing?' she asked while she was lying on his back and looking over his shoulder.

'I read .' Beast boy replied, grabbing Raven by her waist and placing her next to him. He kisses her on the cheek and then went back to his book. Raven read along with great interest and then stopped at some point and just looked at Beast boy.

Ravens pov 😈

'How do you think they will react?' I asked out of nowhere. 'Huh? "Said Gar and looked at me questioningly." I mean, well, your IQ isn't exactly small. And the others don't know that. They won't see it coming either. "I explained." You didn't either see it coming.' Gar replied with a smile, I smiled, he was right.

Flashback... (nobody's pov)

20 november 5:23 p.m.

Beast boy was sitting at his desk listening to a potcast. He also painted a picture. His door was locked, and there was a good reason for that, because nobody should know that he was listening to knowledge potcasts and actually had another hobby besides playing video games.

That he fooled his friends into thinking he was a stupid person was tactically smart. It would help him in some places in life. Suddenly the door opened and Raven stormed with four red demon eyes towards the potcast-listening Beast boy. She stopped puffing up and looked at him in confusion. However, he did not hear her. So she looked over his shoulder and stared at his sketches. He painted a picture of the titans. Robin, Star and Cyborg had already been sketched and colored in. And Beast boy had also painted himself for it, but his arm was stretched out to the left and there he was sketching a head. The head was transformed into shoulders and a female body. Then the body got details. The cloak, the hood, her belt and black leotard. The only thing that was different about Raven was the smile on her painted lips.

Raven looked astonished at Beast boy, but Beast boy turned around and saw Raven and jumped up startled. Raven was also frightened and a glass of water burst on Beast Boys table . The water ran onto the picture and it was completely destroyed. 'Oh no, the beautiful picture.' said Beast Boy, but then clapped his hands on his mouth and without a word took a rag from his bathroom. ' I'm sorry.' Raven said monotonously, even if she really meant it. ' I realize!' Beast Boy replied sarcastically and wiped his table.

Raven just walked out of the room and left Beast boy alone. However, she still thought a lot about him. Why did he paint her? Especially as a smiling, happy girl? Why was he painting at all? And why them? Why did she not know about it? And why did she take it all with her ?! Why did she care? In the end she was talking about Beast Boy, the guy who liked to play pranks and who was too stupid to open a banana. Isn't he like that ?! Raven had arrived in her room and was lying on her bed. The thoughts still tormented her, she didn't want to think about him, but she did ... very often and a lot.

More of this type of confrontation happened. And with each time Raven thought she understood Beast boy more. At some point the two sat alone on the roof in the evening. Beast boy only because he needed some fresh air, and Raven because she often, if not always, mediated here. The two sat quietly next to each other and watched the sunset in silence.

'Beast boy?' Raven asked in her usual tone.

' Yes?' Beast boy asked back a little hesitantly and turned his gaze to the young empath.

'What are you hiding from us?' Raven asked definitively.

Beast boy gave a short laugh and then said 'You mean something else besides my past, history, real feelings and my actual opinion ?!'

' Yes?' Raven said, but it was more of a question than an answer or confirmation.

'Well ... and then there is my intelligence, which you think doesn't even seem to exist.' continued Beast boy.

Then Raven had an idea, she didn't doubt Beast boys answer, but it was fun, so why not? 'What is the root of 215?' asked Raven.

Beast boy looked at her confused, but replied, '14.66, that's rounded.'

Raven was stunned. ' Right.' she breathed. 'You see,' said Beast Boy proudly, 'I'm not that stupid at all.'

Raven saw this as a challenge and asked Beast Boy questions until at least midnight. And at some point she came to the question of why Beast Boy didn't show his intelligence.

Beast boy replied like this' When I was on Doom Patrol, my only free time was books, and well then I read every night and everything that was in those books burned into my brain. After a while, I knew something about every topic and took up further training. But at some point the Doom Patrol got too tricky for me, especially Mento as the leader. So i left the group and found you guys later. I decided to be the dumb one in the group. Firstly so that people don't expect so much from me and secondly so that Star doesn't have to be the stupidest. And it's unfair, she's not even stupid! She already knew geometry in kindergarten! It took me a whole year to do that, and then I was thirteen! '

'Wow, okay ... I see. That's ... cool, 'said Raven, standing up,' Thanks for the story and your trust Beast boy, but it's time to go to sleep. '

'All right, Rav.' said Beast boy and got up too. When he got up, Raven hugged him tightly. Beast boy was briefly confused, but then of course he hugged her back.

Then the two went into the tower and to their rooms. They stopped at Raven's door. 'I wish you a comfortable night and sweet acceptable dreams, Rav.' said the green teenager. 'And Raven, I haven't told you something ...' said Beast boy and brushed a strand of hair from Raven's face. ' I have the urge to tell you that I have butterflies in my stomach when I see you. ' He leaned over quickly and kissed Raven on the cheek and then ran away with lightning speed. Raven stood there, her cheeks slightly pink, holding her cheek. Did Beast boy have ...

🧐 end 🧐

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now