Aktion smart

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Beastboys pov

I know everyone thinks I'm stupid, but I'm not that stupid. While I'm not a logic genius like Robin or a tech geek like Cyborg, then there's Starfire...she's more of a street smart...and Raven is book smart. Well, I'm normally intelligent and more of a street smart. But that's enough, at least for me...

I know enough people to really think logically and cleverly, so I know people who can think logically and cleverly! This is extremely helpful in many cases, like... cooking for example, although I would rather turn to Robin and Cyborg... not Starfire...

In any case, I think that I have an advantage, in contrast to my fellow combatants aka. teammates. My advantage is that my friends tend to underestimate me, that can be good... but it's not always.

But like I said, it's usually an advantage.

" Dude, green bean where are you?!

"Oh... cyborg... hey..."

"Why are you sitting under the table...?"

"I... found an old candy here and wanted to grab it before either of you do...!"

" Disgusting!"

"Sorry Raven, but well then I don't have to share with you, cyborg and you?"

" No thanks.."

"I thought so."

nobody pov

It had been about four hours since the table incident, all Titans had something to do. Robin looked through old case files and felt nostalgic. Cyborg was sitting in the garage next to his baby and wondering if he should tune the heated seats because winter was coming and because he didn't have anything better to do at the moment. Starfire lay on her bed and every now and then threw a few grains of corn in the air and tried to hit them with her laser eyes, it half worked, but Silki was happy about every grain that touched the ground and he ate it immediately.

Raven and Beastboy were both in the common room. Raven read her book and wondered why she had been quiet for so long when Beastboy was in the room with her. Beastboy, on the other hand, was playing a game on his phone and not paying any attention to Raven, it didn't bother him when she was there, on the contrary he liked it.

But he had come to terms with the fact that he had no chance with her. Suddenly the screen of his phone went black." What the...?" Oh... battery is empty... shit.

Beastboy got to his feet and ran to Raven to do the usual daily ritual. He just wanted to annoy her, that was normal for him..

But for reasons unknown to him, Raven didn't find this ritual funny. So be it, he pulled it through one way or the other.

"hey Raven, you know what?"

" More than you."

"I didn't mean that but... yes."

"Beastboy what do you want?!"

"Did you know that I'm smarter than you?"

" Definitely not!"

" Surely. "

*Raven shakes her head and goes back to her book*

"Come on Rae.. I'll explain it to you slowly and clearly."

*eye roll from Raven*

"So you're book smart. But I'm action smart."

"I'm sorry, what?"

" Well... for example you read about a kiss between two people but I've been in a situation like this before and I'm smarter than you in action."

"How come I haven't kissed anyone?!"

"Raven...Raven...come on..."


Raven got up and knocked Beastboy over and left the room with red cheeks, which Beast boy didn't see. He was right she had never kissed anyone but she wouldn't tell HIM that...


„ Hey Raven i wouldn't mind to be the first guy you kiss!" And that was the last sentence Beastboy said before getting thrown into the ocean!


BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now