The video game misson (including BBRae and Robstar) part 6

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Nobody's pov👤

The way to the bazaar was difficult. The five had to pass a ravine. The paths were sometimes very narrow, so that the five of them sometimes had to press against the walls.

As they walked, three of the Titans noticed an argument broke out between the other two.

Garfield's pov ⚡️

"If it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't be here now!" Said Dik.

"I'm sorry I wanted to make you have some fun." replied Vic.

It went on like this for two hours, the whole time the two were accusing and arguing. It was just a bit annoying 🙄.

When Kori, Rachel and I had already turned in a corner, we stopped because Vic and Dik had not come after us. So we went back and saw how the two were facing each other, like two cats who were about to fight.

"You are just a robot, what do you know about feelings!" Dik hissed.

Vic freaked out, ran up to Dik and with a battle cry pushed him into the ravine that was directly behind him. With a long scream, Dik disappeared between the trees twenty meters below.

"No, Dik," Kori shouted, really worried.

"Why the damn did you do that ?!" I asked Vic.

"Oh, he's coming back so don't worry." said Vic.

Nobody's Pov👤

But he didn't come back. He stayed away.

Kori was devastated and Rachel and Gar were pissed off.

"What if he's dead now?" Kori asked anxiously.

"I know that sounds stupid, but I don't think so. Um ... take a look at your arm." said Gar.

The other three did does immediately and discovered a tattoo there.

Vic and Gar's tattoos showed three thick black lines, Rachel and Kori only had two.

"Why are we only two of the black lines?"Asked Kori, the boys.

"Those are our lives, and you only have two because you kori ... you got hit by the snake well, we all saw it. And Rachel only has two because she was caught by the poison." Gar explained.

The girls understood and nodded.

Then they made their way to the bazaar, to Kori's protest, she would rather look for Dik. But Rachel talked her out of that.

Time skip

Garfields pov⚡️

We had arrived at the bazaar. It was loud, there were lots of people walking around and there were stalls selling weapons, food or other useful things.

"Bread, here you can buy delicious healthy bread!" shouted a man at a stand with a lot of pastries on it.

"I think the game is telling us to take care of our health." I thought aloud.

"Aha, all right. Get out of the way, I'm hungry." said Vic.

"Delicious! It's one of the very tasty breads." said Kori, who had just bitten into one of the breads.

Vic also bit into one of the pastries, but grimaced and mumbled with his mouth full: "Kori this is not bread, what is it?"

"This is my famous butter cake." answered the man.

"Dude, cake is one of your weaknesses!" I said, dismayed.

"um ok ... do I have a rash somewhere?" Vic asked frightened.

We shook our heads.

"Am I twitching?" he asked again.

We shook our heads again.

"Am I still black?" asked he.

We nodded.

"Well then everything is fine. That it is a weakness, probably just means that I can't keep my hands off it." Vic said relieved, but while he was still talking he exploded with a loud thud.

Kori, Rachel and I, and many others, felt on the floor. You could also hear an 'oh' from everyone who were present.

I got up, still a little dazed.

Then this tone rang out again and in the next moment vic fell through the ceiling, into a stand, and to top it all off, there was also a shelf on top of him.

I ran up to him and helped him up. He just complained the whole time, but stopped when Rachel said: "guys ... there are the motorcyclists again!"

Vic and I turned around and there we saw them, the motorcyclists in black with helmets.

One of the men pointed at us and then he shot. Smoke was rising everywhere and Rachel and I tried to kill as many as we could.

But it didn't help because they were stronger. when they pushed us into a corner a man suddenly stood in front of us. He looked sick, as physically ill, as insane. A tarantula sat on his shoulder. And one of his eyes was only white.

"Hello you four, I'm your dead. Now hands up and ..." he was interrupted by a smoke bomb that exploded at his feet. Then I felt Rae grab my arm and pull me with her, after Vic and Kori.

Our escape ended in a gully. At the bottom we stood and stared up. Rae still held my arm, but it seemed to me that she was now out of fear for me.

Then I looked over at Kori, who had just followed a figure. And that figure was ... Dik!

But she hadn't noticed that yet. Only when the black men had run across the gully did everyone else look to our savior.

"Dik!" Kori shouted with delight, jumped forward and kissed him on the cheek. Dik turned red like a tomato and I grinned.

"You looked the same the first time." Rae whispered to me. I also blushed like nothing else.

Rae put her arms around my neck and kissed me. I was happy.

"Can you stop!" said Vic.

"You're just jealous because Bumble bee isn't here." replied I. Vic blushed too and the others started laughing.

"I'm so glad you're fine Dik." I said went to him and hugged him.

"Thanks, and now follow me, I know where the fourth level should be." he said, we were all surprised, but followed him.

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now