Part two

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The key turned slowly in the lock of Raven's door. She didn't want that, she didn't want to open the door for fear of what was waiting for her behind it. But she had no choice, not opening the door would make whoever even more angry. Whoever was waiting for her on the other side was probably not a pizza guy who just wanted to drop off a pizza. Especially not since the media incident in ohio where a pizza guy got sucked dry by a meta, meaning his soul got sucked out of him. Raven slowly opened the door, clenching a fist just to be ready. The door opened fully and, to Raven's surprise, it wasn't an officer but a boy about her own age.

"Oh hello, is someone home after all!?" he said with a nice smile. The boy was wearing an apron with a cafe logo on it. His eyes were green and his skin was a normal color. So he obviously wasn't a meta after all, or an officer.

But the boy couldn't see Raven, she was hiding behind the door, her hood was pulled down over her face and she only answered in short sentences.

" What do you want!?" she asked quickly.

"I wanted to give you this bag, you left it outside the cafe where I work." replied the boy. "My name is garfield, by the way."

" Ah, Thanks." Raven said, taking the bag and slamming the door in Garfield's face. She leaned against the door and listened to see if he moved away or stopped in front of the door, but he actually walked away quite quickly.

Raven went back into her kitchen and made herself something to eat. Then she looked for photos of her old cupboards, she also found some, but she also found something else, an old box made of dark wood. Inside is an old piece of napkin and a small necklace. On the napkin is written only one paragraph : "Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the one who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what." Raven looked at the napkin for a long time. and then she turned to the necklace, it was thin and silver, from which dangled a little raven with ruby ​​eyes. She stood up and put the necklace on in front of a mirror. Suddenly her hair turned black, her skin became a little more colored, her eyes lost the well-known luster of the metas. Her clothes changed from a long hoodie and jogging pants to black jeans with a gray shirt and purple oversized jacket over them. Raven looked in disbelief in the mirror. Was that really her... she looked so normal. Outwardly she was almost a human, a real human! That, thought Raven, could be very useful to her.

Next day

Raven put the necklace back on and again she became that normal girl she had smiled at in the mirror yesterday. She decided to live a little and see if anyone noticed or if she passed as normal.

So she walked through the streets of draxoncity and saw the faces of the other people and smiled when she realized that she was almost invisible to them. No one scolded her or threw food at her.And for the first time Raven felt safe, like nobody was following her. She passed some shops and noticed how hungry she was, so she went to the next cafe and sat down. She scanned her surroundings, really no one noticed her, only the waiter who came up to her. She looked at him and he looked familiar.

"Oh no..." Raven mumbled. It was the boy whom she slammed the door in the face of yesterday. But he wouldn't recognize her after all, he hadn't been able to see her, and besides, she looked normal now.

"Hey, what can I bring you?" asked the boy, which is Garfield as his nametag claimed.

"A coffee please... and a piece of chocolate cake." Raven answered uncertainly.

"Anything you want, beautiful." said Garfield and smiled.

Raven's cheeks grew warm no one had ever called her that, especially a boy.

"Gar, stop flirting with the customers and get your butt to the counter!" shouted a bearded man from the other end of the store, so that really everyone could hear.

"Yeah, okay, I'm coming..." Garfield called back, blushing a bit.

Raven, however, grinned slightly, Garfield or Gar seemed to be a likeable, funny idiot. She waited a while until Gar came with her order and put it in front of her. "Please, for you." he said with a smile. "Oh... um, what's your name? Now that you've witnessed one of my most embarrassing moments, you could tell me."

"You mean like 20 other customers here?" Raven replied and smiled. Gar's face turned excessively red. Raven thought for a moment and then said: "My name is Rachel :)"....

Raven visited the cafe every day for a week and a half and she and Gar got to know each other better but not too closely, he was nice and Raven had to admit that there was something more than pure sympathy for him, but she didn't dare to tell him what she really was. She was afraid of how he might react. She didn't think he was going to stab her directly, but she was sure he wouldn't like what she was. Gar also felt more than sympathy for Rachel, which is why he decided on a cold Wednesday morning to ask her something important.

" Rachel... I have a question for you..." he said slowly.

" And what ?"

"Would you... go on a date with me?" he asked uncertainly.

Raven said nothing, it had been unthinkable for her to ever hear such a sentence, but Gar had said it. so why not?

"Yes, I'd love to. I'd like to go on a date with you," she replied with a shy smile.

"Yeah, cool!" Gar said, jumping up. "We could meet here tonight."

" That sounds good :)"

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now