Chapter 48

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Throughout the night, Irene had caught up with a lot of her friends. And it made her feel very happy.

She wasn't the one to fend off of social interaction and chatting she was quite the opposite because social niceties and friendly conversations would drain her of her energy. It was no secret that she was a very straightforward and sharp person, small talk disgusted her and she could not bear being talked to about random useless stuff. If she wanted to talk, it wouldn't be to spread gossip or just for fun, it would always be for a reason. And she hated conversations and things in general that had no motive, purpose or incentive.

But that night, as small sips of alcohol put a light blush on her cheeks and the music buzzed her excitement even more. She couldn't help but feel elevated and thrilled. Finally having that small comfort of close friends, cackling laughter, stupid jokes, compliments and easy chitchats made her feel so alive. Like she was back to being her teenage self because these past weeks made her feel so old and just completely weakened.

But, for some reason, she felt a little disappointed. Don't get her wrong, she was having the time of her life with people complimenting her looks, her outfit, her intelligent and intellectual exchanges, but still, she wasn't satisfied.

She didn't understand herself, she was so happy, so why, whenever she was left alone to be with herself for a few minutes, a drastic sigh left her lips? She just couldn't decipher her inner thoughts and feelings. It was in situations like these where she admired the more sensitive women in The Silence. They were so sympathetic and well with figuring out signs and emotions. Irene lacked in this aspect a lot for she was someone very practical.

And right now, her feelings were making no logical sense to her.

"Busy night huh?"

She turned around and put a smile on her face. Namjoon. He looked handsome with his button-up vest, white shirt, black blazer and that purple hair giving life to his appearance. His forehead was exposed and this was one of the few times she had seen him look so attractive. He looked so simple and clean. She loved it.

Unfortunately, she had barely seen him at all. Her first instinct at the party was to find him for some reason. But she couldn't him and soon found herself indulging in a conversation about the Magic School Tournament with Jaebeom.

She talked, chatted, enjoyed herself but it was a disappointment that she couldn't do so with one of her favourite people to talk to. Namjoon was someone who shared a lot of the same interests as hers, they were both practical and professional people, though she had to admit he was far more sensitive and delicate than she was. She cursed herself for her lack of emotional intelligence but shrugged it off.

"I had fun tonight," Irene spoke honestly.

"I'm glad you did." He chuckled deeply. She shivered but not from the cold.

Suddenly that feeling of disappointment and emptiness filled her up again. She sighed but less excessively. She felt sad even though she knew she had had a great time. She wished to figure it out soon, but it was so frustrating not knowing why you were feeling what you were feeling.

Irene looked up at Namjoon's tall and broad body. They were standing side by side and she realised just how tall he was in front of her. But then smirked when she realised that her super-strength could take him down any second. A comfortable silence surrounded them, only interrupted by the slow jazz song that the DJ was playing.

She continued to look at him as if expecting him to clear up this void in her gut and tell her exactly what she was feeling and why. She sighed again realising he wasn't some mind reader, how can she expect him to understand her emotions?

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