Chapter 3

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Rose's P.O.V

I left the forest and headed towards the school in a hurry. Of course before leaving i had messaged Irene unnie that i didn't feel very well and wanted to go back to our dorm. It was a lie obviously. And if i didn't tell her where i went and why then she'll probably have murdered me by the time she notices I'm gone.

Since the Forest of Doom is on school property it didn't take me that long to reach the entrance of one of the buildings located in Majestic Academy.

This school has about five different and seperate buildings located pretty far away from each other.

Each building is given to a specific class. The biggest building is owned by Class B as there are many students and dorms also need to be provided for them.

Class A's building is the smallest compared to the others but it's still pretty big and i'm sure we could fit about 50 people in here. Each building is also given a name. For Class A it's Building A, for Class C it's Building C and so you get the idea.

I went into Building A and felt the cold wind hitting my arms as i walked through the halls. To be honest if this were any other normal day, i would have been quite annoyed by the freezing temperature but it almost felt soothing as i walked towards our dormitory.

To be honest i didn't really understand why i got so mad back in the forest. It's just that i got reminded of past memories that i had long forgotten. And those were some not so great memories.

Seulgi and i aren't on great terms and the fact that she is dating the guy i'll be in the same Class with, bothers me. What if she visits our class and i'll have to see her, that'll be so awkward and i don't think i'll be able to handle it well.

It's always been weird how she always gets everything she wants and i always stay in the shadow. I thought i was done with that part of my life, but looks like fate's got other things in store for me.

Surprise surprise, at first Seulgi used to attend Majestic Academy and we used to be super close friends back when we're in Class C.

She was super popular and always the star of the show and i was always in her shadow, but to be honest at that time it never really bothered me. I, to this day still don't like getting attention, it just kind of scares me sometimes. I wAs just happy to have found atleast one friend who didn't find me weird or scary just because I had two powers.

But as days went on, we got more and more distant and soon it felt like we were strangers.

She was then really popular, even among our seniors, and i was left behind, struggling and alone.

And soon she left me behind for all her new and fake friends.

Even if i didn't like the attention that didn't mean i wanted to be completely left alone and abandoned. I still wanted to have some close friends.

Loyalty is a big thing to me, and she just betrayed me like that, leaving me alone as she went on with her life. She eventually switched schools and became a part of the group called Red Velvet in her new school, Castlebroxo.

She had it all, riches, friends, popularity, and other stuff. While i was left alone and isolated. Well that was until i graduated to Class A and met these six beautiful angels.

I wonder what was it that Jimin saw in Seulgi that he started dating her?

His taste in women sucks.

Without realizing it, i had been walking for a while now. I had even accidentally passed by our dorm and was now heading towards the library.

Well, i'll just spent some time in the library. No one's hardly ever in there anyway.

While i was walking i noticed a pink rabbit hopping around school grounds.

Awwww, cute!

Wait..... a pink rabbit?

Since when did pink rabbit's exist?

I turned around in a rush only to see it going outside, heading towards the Rose Garden. What if it's some thief or something disguised as a rabbit? Wait that's impossible, the school has extremely high security, no way can something or someone come in without permission through all the barriers and protection shields.

Out of curiousity and just pure boredom i decided to follow the rabbit, my idea of going to the library already long forgotten.

I kept running after it, even when i tried to use my powers to talk to it, it still wouldn't stop running away.

Weird, that usually gets them to stop.

Finally, reaching the Rose Garden, i stopped and bent down to take a breath of air as the rabbit finally stopped in it's tracks. Once i rested for a second, i quickly moved towards the pink magical rabbit and grabbed it, making sure it won't run away again.

"Gotcha!" I said in victory, pulling the rabbit closer to my face. It was just so cute and i couldn't stop myself from cooing over it. "You're just so adorable, aren't you, you little baby?" I said in my baby voice trying to talk to him through my powers once again. But it still wouldn't talk back.

Since it looked pretty terrified and scared i kissed it's nose to help it calm down. But instead of the rabbit calming down, something extremely unexpected happened.

And I was not a fan of it.

Jimin's P.O.V

(If you don't remember Jimin has  shape-shifting and X-Ray vision as his powers)

The girl kissed my nose as i transformed back into my normal human self.

She was holding onto me while i was my rabbit self so obviously when i de-transformed i fell because of my weight, and brought her down along with me.

The most embarrassing part was that she fell right on top of me, our faces nearly inches apart.

We quickly snapped out of our trance and got up, as she fixed her skirt while i just stood there and blushed.

I felt weirded out by myself, this was the first time i had blushed because of a girl, and it isn't even the most embarrassing thing i've done with someone. Maybe its just the whether or something.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry, i didn't know that, that rabbit-- i mean you were an actually person. I mean you are an actual person but when you were the rabbit i didn't know you were! And i am so sorry for kissing-- i mean umm yeah you know, i feel sorry for... doing that." She rambled on as i smiled at her flustered state.

"No, it's alright. I should been more careful with my powers." I said in a more calm and relaxed tone as she bit her lip, feeling the awkwardness drown of the both of us.

What is wrong with me? This is usually thr part where i flirt or make a sarcastic comment but i couldn't think of any, gosh i need to visit a doctor later. I don't think i'm feeling well, even my heart is beating super fast.

"Ummm anyway i have to leave now and again i am so so so so sorry for what happened." She said urgently before quickly running away as if her life depended on it.

"Wait! I don't even know your!.... Name." I said feeling a bit confused. Shit, I probably should have paid attention when Professor Du was introducing them to us.

Why did she run away like that? Did i creep her out?

Thats the first time someone ran away like that from me.

I got a text from Taehyung saying that the results of our tests will come out in a few minutes so i should probably get back.

So without any hesitation i turned around and headed to the Forest of Doom, anticipating what results i'll get.

Damn, not even one day in this school and already everything has changed.

Is this a good chapter or do i need to improve? Tell me honestly in the comments!

Total words: 1365


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