Chapter 70

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Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi.

Wendy, Rose, Lisa, Momo, Jisoo.

Irene, Jungkook, Jennie, Taehyung.


"Kim Dahyun,"

Rosé glanced at Jimin for a moment. His hands were clasped together by his lap as he stared at them, his long eyelashes fluttering, covering his beautiful amber-brown eyes from her vision. The side of his lip was held by his teeth nervously, and something inside her bubbled with sadness and guilt.

She looked away when a pang of shame hit her in her chest. If only she could comfort him in some way right now.

"I'm sure Jimin or Rosé would have told you about how she holds numerous powers and not just two." Everyone remained silent, urging Headmistress Oberon to speak further.

"She is indeed an interesting one. She might be the first of our kind." Jimin finally glanced up at those words, anger consuming him at the fact that he wasn't strong enough against her. He wasn't able to help his friends, two of whom suffered from severe injuries.

Jennie and Taehyung both weren't located in the medical room everyone else was in. The two had been so severely wounded that they had to be transported to emergency rooms where twenty-four-hour care was provided for them and their health was administered continuously. Everyone else wasn't even allowed to see them.

Jimin couldn't help it as the bitterness and resentment bubbled inside him like lava, seeping its way through his veins and getting ready to erupt at any given opportunity.

"She suffers from a severe mental illness which at the moment is not one we know of." The deep and demanding tone of Talia Oberon cut Jimin off from his thoughts as he now focused on her utterances. "It's a personality disorder where she has multiple personalities or alters. The reason why she had so many powers is that each alter or personality of hers has a different power. The metal chains were another alter, the alter who spewed gas at Jennie causing her hands to be frozen was another alter, her unlimited stamina is some other personality. And they all collectively work together in one body. Dahyun's body."

"And nobody knew of this?"

"Nobody, except Professor Du and Sir Kim." Jin looked at his father who had his eyes narrowed on the floor with a look that he knew, one where he was analysing or contemplating something in his mind.

"It's not a personality disorder known to man?" Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed, eyes dwindling. "How come?"

"Well, originally, at Majestic Academy they would examine her and perform tests. At first, they thought it was DID – Dissociative Identity Disorder or previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder. But we've come to know there are some severe differences from what Disorder Dahyun has compared to what DID is." Sir Kim explained, standing up to gather everyone's attention.

"I was formally in charge of those examinations through the orders of Professor Du. Inspections and checks were made on Dahyun, her symptoms and what new things she'd experienced. The main source that DID goes upon, is in its name. Dissociative. It's a disorder in which dissociation and detachment are very common symptoms. Combining all these alters you would call it a System." He started walking around, pulling out a pen from his pocket and spinning it in his hand as he talked. "Now in each System, there is a Host. Mainly the person who comes into the body –or fronts the most. Dahyun is the Host of her System. Meaning, she's the personality or person who controls the singular body the most and is out more often."

"Now, when an alter or personality is fronting, they are controlling the body, and their emotions and thoughts are the strongest in the forefront of the mind's awareness. Fronting is uncontrollable and has triggers in which a alter may front unexpectedly. For example, if the system has a child alter, and they see a stuffed animal or something glittery that attracts children, the child alter will be triggered and they'll front into the body. Such triggers are not part of Dahyun's Disorder. Actually, she can very easily control who fronts and it's a system in which, fronting can occur very easily without needing any triggers or the occurrence of dissociation."

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