Weapon ~ Ch61

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

Over the past week, my meetings with Mahito and his group had suprisingly gone by very smoothly. Everyday I managed to sneak out of the hotel through the fire exit once Yuuji had gone to sleep without once getting caught. I didn't expect such a successful outcome from these daily meet-ups, especially considering I not only had Yuuji and Satoru to worry about but also Sukuna.

Speaking of Sukuna, I'm almost positive that he doesn't suspect anything from me. Of course, the man had definelty noticed my recent lateness when going to sleep but he assumed all by himself that it was because I was working so hard during my training with Satoru that it began messing up with my sleep schedule. I didn't comment on his hypothesis, knowing that if I did that he would realise I was keeping something from him. This way was better because he was making the assumption and I wasn't confirming nor denying it.

Today was like any other of my recent midnight shenanigans where I laid in my bed seeming to look ready to fall asleep while also waiting for Yuuji to hurry along and fall asleep. Compared to most nights, Yuuji suprisingly took slightly longer today to fall asleep. But a half an hour extra wait was not a problem for me as now that I memorised the route to Mahito's address, I was able to walk twice the speed and make it there at my usual arrival time.

But twice the speed also meant twice energy spent and from the start, I had very little energy to spend. All of this sneaking around and extra training was really hard on my body especially considering that I had only around 4 hours of sleep every day. That amount was never enough for me to feel fully rested. So everyday I feel like I'm fighting the urge to fall apart.

Slowly by slowly over the past week, I started getting used to the feeling of my bones wanting to break. I started geting used to the feeling of utter exhastion and it no longer bothered me because that was always how I felt now. This tired feeling that was always with me was now just my new norm and I slowly accepted that.

Everynight was almost like deja vu. It all went down the same from walking to Mahito's apartment complex to signing in at the front dest with my new alias all while making small talk with the friendly female guard. Then taking the lift up to my designated floor and walking over to the familliar dark door in this dimly lit hallway.

That would bring us to where I was now, standing infront of the door with my hand hovering over the handle that only needed to be pushed for me to go in. I found myself in this position everynight, hesitating to walk inside. Why was I hesitant? I wasn't really sure. Maybe it was the way Geto looked at me like a his new obsession or how Hanami had yet spoken an actual word to me. My mind still wasn't made up as to whether I felt accepted or not.

But like most nights, I pushed down my nerves and allowed myself to open the door and walk into the void that slowly forms into a beach the moment the foor shuts behind me. Just like everyday, they were all here and always in the same spot laying underneath their large umbrellas shading them from the sun. Though this time they weren't just sitting in silence, this time it seemed as though they were deep in discussion.

"Ah sweetheart, you've arrived!" Geto announced with an unwavering smile, looking over at me from his spot on his beach chair. With a friendly smile, I walked over to the men in hopes to hear what they were talking about as they had yet to inform me about their full plans. I waa told just the other day about their plans to crash the Kyoto event which honestly didn't scare me knowing they weren't planning to kill anyone, only trying to get Sukuna's finger that I pointed them to.

I came closer to the men and once I was in reaching distance, Geto reached a hand out towards me in politeness to help guide me to sit. I took his hand with a small bow in gratitude and allowed myself to be helped into my seat beside him. This blue beach chair beside Geto had slowly over time become my chair and that was enough time make me feel the slightest bit accepted among them.

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