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I want to dedicate this fanfiction to an awesome artist that goes by the name of 'UmaYorokobi' (also goes by 'umaalcala', search up either name, you can't miss her WanDom art). She draws amazing Wander x Dominator art, art you need to check out next chance you get! As amazing as her Wander x Dominator art is, I've always wanted to know HOW the two fell in love as depicted in her art. I sometimes notice other users wonder the same thing as they come across the ship and its fanart: how did they become a couple? Knowing this information I feel would help elevate the ship beyond just fantastic art. As an aspiring writer and since the show's been canceled (damn you Disney!), I figured I'd write this up myself!

As all know, Dominator was a villain who loved being mean, the complete opposite of Wander. In the last episode of Wander over Yonder, Wander exposes Dominator as being lonely. As a result, she seemed to entertain the idea of befriending Wander before marching off angrily; she later returns briefly for food since neither hero nor villain would say no to getting fed.

This fanfiction picks up not long after the last episode when Dominator's ship and armies were destroyed so wouldn't hurt to rewatch the last episode for a refresher. Watch the last episode and its epilogue where Dominator is struggling to peel a 'friendship orange'. That said, I'd like to present to you how I think Wander x Dominator came to be and how I would write season 3 of Wander over Yonder.

While reading this, one thing I like playing in the background are episodes of Wander over Yonder. Helps immerse me further into the show and characters and I suggest you guys do the same!

That said, I do hope you enjoy!

Wander over Yonder Season 3

From within the safety of Wander's Orbble bubble, Dominator was struggling with an orange she had gotten from Wander after Hater had destroyed her ship and armies.

"Ugh! Come on! Stupid friendship orange" she growled trying to peel the fruit in her hands before it squirts orange juice in her face. "Dumb peel... Bunch of dorks!" she shouts in the direction of her former subjects. She then huffs before threatening "they'll get what's coming to them!.."


It was the day after the destruction of Dominator's bot army and ship when Wander and Sylvia were making their way between planets enclosed in their usual Orbble juice air bubble. Unusually, Wander wasn't strumming his banjo while relaxing atop his friend Sylvia's saddle.

"Hey pal, awfully quiet back there. Not feeling up to playing today?" Sylvia asked.

"Sorry Sylvia, it's just that I've been wondering if Dominator is okay" Wander revealed.

"Dominator!?" Sylvia repeats surprised. "D-don't worry about her, I'm sure she can take care of herself."

"Without her ship?" Wander asks. "Or any of her bots?"

"The ships and bots she tried to destroy the galaxy with!" Sylvia reminds urgently.

"What if she's scared? Or hurt? All alone with no one to call her a friend. That's not any kind of decent existence" Wander says before slapping his forehead. "That's it! How could I have forgotten?"

"What's that buddy?" Sylvia asks.

"When I was on Dominator's ship the day it was destroyed, I learned that she wasn't in need of a romance with Hater. She was really just lonely and up to then had been coping with that pain by being mean to others..." Wander says sympathetically. "What she really needed all along was a friend..."

"...Oh no" Sylvia emits. "Are you going where I think you're going with this?"

"I will be that friend!" Wander declares in a heroic stance.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now