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Wander over Yonder Season 3

-=the nice note=-

With Wander and Dominator busying each other with family life, Lord Hater had been busy conquering planet after planet. One day, Hater was romping through Tunra City, the capital city of Tunra, one of his many conquered planets.

"Bow down before your ruler! Your Lord Hater! Greatest in the galaxy!" Hater bellows aggressively while marching through one of Tunra City's main roads, his Watchdog armies behind him, Commander Peepers at his side.

With windows closed and doors locked, Tunra City was frightened into obedience as it always was when its bone-headed ruler and his eyeball goons would visit. Resembling penguins and standing on average one third the height of Lord Hater, the residents of Tunra were gentle creatures and their king was no different.

"G-greetings Lord Hater. F-fancy seeing you here" Ival, the king of Tunra, greets from the front of his humble castle.

"Cut the chit chat" Peepers orders, "we're here to collect."


"Collect tributes for your Lord Hater" Peepers clarifies.

"Surrender your tributes to I, Lord Hater!" Hater demands gazing imperiously down at his subject.

"But we need that money for food and medicine!" Ival protests.

"Aww, is that so? Try telling someone who cares!" Hater barks as his Skull Ship above glows with death ray at the ready.

"R-right away Lord Hater" Ival is quick to surrender: he summons several Tunrans out of his castle who then drop sacks of gold and other valuables down at Hater's feet.

"28 sacks. VERY good" Hater lauds rubbing palms while watching the valuable pile grow. "This pleases me, Ivan."

"It's Ival, Lord Hater, sir" Ival corrects timidly.

"Who cares!?" Hater almost barks. "Next time I come back here, I want 29 sacks of loot!"

Hater and his cohorts return to the Skull Ship and begin to depart the planet. A satisfied sigh escapes Hater while he fondles several of the money sacks in his firm possession.

"Collecting tribute from a planet is one of the best parts of conquest" Hater comments.

"You can say that again, sir" Peepers says while calculating the value of the acquired plunder.

"Look at them" Hater begins standing at a window that looked down at Tunra City, "our little subjects! Tiny! Weak! Pathetic! All bowing down before Lord Hater! Greatest in the-"

"...Sir?" Peepers says looking Hater's way only to find Hater strangely motionless.

Hater then turns to face Peepers, approaches, picks up several sacks of gold and jewels, and proceeds back towards the window to dump out the contents.

"Sir! What are you doing!?" Peepers shouts in shock.

"I, I'm giving back to the people" Hater says.

"What!?" Peepers exclaims. "Sir, have you lost it!?"

"H-have I lost it?... AAAAaaaah! What am I doing!?" Hater dismays seeing his loot disappear down into the city. He seizes the controls for his ship and nearly crash lands when setting it down. Hater then bursts out of his ship to scramble for his scattered wealth. "Get away from that! It's mine!" Hater shouts at a few Tunrans gathering the scatterings.

"L-Lord Hater!? Aaaaah!", "Run for your lives!" the small crowds let out and are quick to clear away upon Hater's approach as Hater and a few Watchdogs scramble for the valuables.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now