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Wander over Yonder Season 3

The Planet of Tech was famous throughout the galaxy for its exports of electronics: televisions, radios, computers, and so many other electronic goods.

Appropriately enough, the inhabitants of this planet had light bulbs for heads, faces inside those light bulb heads that resembled those regularly carved on pumpkins, and bodies slightly larger than those of Hater's Watchdogs. Techians loved their planet which was peaceful and had little to envy but sadly, this was not to last.

Back when Dominator was drilling the galaxy one planet at a time, Tech had fallen into Dominator's crosshairs like countless other planets before it.

"Lord Dominator is here! Everybody run!" a Techian screamed in terror at the sight of The Domship and at once, like so many of Dominator's subjects, Techians scrambled in panic.

"Run you pathetic little night lights!" a fully-armored Dominator boomed in her robotic voice. "Lord Dominator is here to dominate!"

"Night lights!?" some Techians objected. "That's not a very nice thing to say-Gaaaah!"

"Gwahahahahahaha! Feel my drill you worthless insects!"

Dominator's drill fell and pierced Tech's surface, the crust shattering before Tech's Volcanium X was sucked dry. In the middle of this, Dominator's Dombot armies descended to continue tormenting the Techians.

By the time Dominator was done, Tech was left in ruin like so many other planets left in her wake.

Amid the rubble and ruins, beneath dissipating smoke and fading flames, Techians were left to pick up the pieces. Among those left behind was Dylan, a Techian technician fixing a power surge on his birthday at the time of Dominator's attack. He saw for himself the destruction and terror wrought by Dominator with his own two eyes after getting electrocuted in a tank of electric eels which was then struck by lightning.

"DOMINATOOOOR!" a vengeful Dylan shouted towards The Domship as it left. "You will rue the day you came to drill our planet, Dominator! You will rue that day!"

As Tech rebuilt itself, Dylan isolated himself in his home and began frantic work on armor that could rival Dominator's.

Long after Tech had been drilled and rebuilt, Wander, Dominator, and Sylvia were strolling through one of its many business districts. Sylvia was leading the way examining a guide listing all sights and attractions Tech offered.

"Tech: galaxy's leading producer of electronics and cutting-edge technology" Sylvia reads in the guide.

"Ooh! You know, I've always wanted to buy me a radio" Wander says. "For those long, intergalactic trips."

"No better time than now" Sylvia answers.

"What are you hoping to pick up Sylvia?" Dominator asks.

"I'm just here for the memories. Maybe some neat technology awaits us inside?" Sylvia reveals. "How about you?"

"I'm hoping to pick up some spare parts for the Dombots. Figure there'll be some inside in surplus" Dominator says scanning the building. "That and never a bad idea to keep tabs on latest tech trends."

The three arrive at and enter a large convention center. Inside, the three find the interior filled with several exhibits showcasing various consumer electronics and technological marvels.

"Ooh! Guys! Look at this!" Wander says running up to an exhibit featuring several mirrors lined up. "Perceive and ye shall receive" Wander reads on the sticker stuck to a mirror.

"What's that mean?" Sylvia asks.

"It means these mirrors are your answer to the morning rush" the Techian attendant there speaks up after walking out from behind a mirror. "No longer will you have to fit into and out of clothes. With these mirrors, just imagine a look and you will receive it. Give it a go!"

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