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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"Wander asked her the question. Dominator said yes without hesitation."

So read headlines on magazines like 'Galactic Gossiper', one of the first publications to report on Wander and Dominator's engagement. Other publications followed and, predictably, WanDom Watch reported on it as well.

Even if not for the extensive, widespread publicity, Hater's Watchdogs would still be in the know thanks to invitations from Wander and Dominator announcing their wedding. All Watchdogs were invited including Perry, Larry, Barry, Gary, Jerry, Harry, Kerry, and even Sebastian. All Watchdogs were very much looking forwards to attending.

Commander Peepers and Lord Hater received invitations as well.

"Watchdogs!" Peepers calls out to Hater's armies during a rally. "We have been invited to a monumental occasion. Wander and Dominator are officially tying the knot."

Cheering and sounds of approval erupt from Hater's villainous ranks.

"Watchdogs!" Hater shouts standing besides Commander Peepers. "We cannot let this happen! Wander and Dominator must NOT get married or else they'll become more powerful than anyone could ever imagine! We soundly reject this invitation" he announces to booing and sounds of disapproval but Hater proves stubborn. "Better yet, we are going to attack! We are going to attack and stop this wedding from happening!"

"No!", "We wanna attend the wedding", "Just this once, let's take it easy", "I don't wanna attack" were among the protests from the Watchdogs.

"Sir, I do believe the Watchdogs wish to attend this wedding" Peepers says calmly.

"I don't care what they want!" Hater shouts angrily. "I want to stop it! I want to derail that stupid little ceremony and destroy Wander and Dominator once and for all!"

Hater's loud declaration was drowned out by the loud objections from his Watchdog armies.

"Sir, I think it would be great for morale if you, just this once, let your armies have a little off time" Peepers reasons. "When's the last time they've had any time off?"

"I don't care!" Hater exclaims. "This wedding isn't waiting for us to be done with time off. We attack now!"

"Boo!", "Total downer", "Talk about no-fun", "Hate's lame, worst villain!" the Watchdogs began to jeer.

"Sir, think of the benefits to Wander and Dominator marrying and starting a family" Peepers reasons further. "They'll never interfere with our plans again!" he says as he hears Hater grinding his teeth.

"No! No no NO!" Hater objects. "I'm the boss! I call the shots! This is my ship! You all follow my orders! And I say we are crashing this wedding! We are crashing it or my name isn't Lord Ha- what the!?"

A collective gasp fills the giant rally room. Hater's hands are bound behind his back by none other than Peepers himself.

"Sir, please understand that I'm doing this for all our sakes" Peepers says sounding very apologetic.

"Peepers, is this treason!?" Hater demands to know.

"Let's not call it that, sir. Let's just call this a gentle and temporary coup" Peepers says.

Hater is thrown into a jail cell in the Skull Ship but not before Hater unloading several expletives.

"Fellow Watchdogs" Peepers begins to address Hater's armies. "We are starting operation 'WanDom Wedding'. We are going to make sure Wander and Dominator have THE best wedding ceremony in the history of this galaxy!"

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now