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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Dominator splashed her face with water. She then dunks her head into water hoping to cool her burning face. Neither helped.

"I don't understand! Why do I feel like this!?" she growls at herself. "I really can't stand my face right now!" she says scratching at her face and then blasting it with ice. The ice quickly melts leaving her face as warm as before. "Ugh!" she lets out. "Bot 76!"

"Yes Lord Dominator" a Probe Dombot quickly approaches with a salute.

"I think I'm coming down with something. Yeah, that's gotta be it. My face feels burning hot and I can't stop thinking about-" she hesitates for a moment, "s-something... Anyways, run a diagnostic and see what you find."

"Affirmative" the Dombot agrees and a beam of light sweeps Dominator up and down. "Analyzing..."

Various little lights blinked accompanied with beeps and boops.

"Well?" Dominator grows impatient.

"Still analyzing..." Bot 76 repeats and Dominator rolls her eyes. "Analyzing complete."

"About time" Dominator remarks, foot tapping.

"No illness detected."

"No illness? That can't be right" Dominator insists. "Scan again! Look for anything."

Another beam of light travels up and down Dominator's body.

"Analyzing complete. Still no illness detected but of note are elevated body temperatures, flushed facial features, increased heart rate, and shortness of breath. Emotional anomalies detected: remorse, longing, loneliness."

"What!? Shut up! All that is wrong! You're obviously broken!" Dominator lashes out.

"Negative. All systems running optimally" the bot corrects.

"Oh yeah!? And what idiot made YOU doctor?"

"You did, Lord Dominator" the bot responds.

Dominator opens her mouth but finds herself speechless.

"Are you currently missing someone?" Bot 76 questions.

"No! I'm not missing anyone!" Dominator growls back only for her bot to stare for a moment. "What!?... Th-there's no way I could ever miss that stupid dork!" the green villainess lashes out.


Once again, Dominator finds herself without words momentarily.

"...You obviously don't know what you're talking about" Dominator condemns straigtening her posture. "I'm going out! Maybe I need to get more up-close and personal for my next conquest... Now let's see" she says browsing the galaxy while at one of her many Domship computers. "SD73, BT905... FP107! This one looks dorky enough" Dominator says as the image of a balloon-like planet orbited by smaller balloon-like moons comes on screen.

"Awaiting orders" Bot 76 voices as Dominator readied for an outing donning a trench coat, fake mustache, and fedora after removing the ink from under her eyes.

"Just watch after the ship, as usual. I'm on reconnaissance duty."

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

"Welcome to Planet Chumbud! The planet for friends!" a little alien that looked like a mix between a jellyfish and a balloon greets the arriving, disguised Dominator. "May I please have your name?" this alien asks serving as gate attendant to a great Chumbud city.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now