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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Wander was humming to himself as dinner time quickly approached. This was typical whenever he was on cooking duty and on this occasion, his humming was especially joyous.

"You're in a good mood. Whatcha humming there pal?" Sylvia asked while assisting Wander with seeking out ingredients in a massive field of different trees and bushes.

"Nothing in particular" Wander answers while feeling a perfectly-ripe red tomato that was still on the vine.

"Nothing huh? Well whatever it is, it definitely sounded upbeat" Sylvia commented.

"How could it not be?" Wander asked. "Cooking time is here! Time when we ready for one of the most important parts of the day. Also, the planet is coming back to life and gifting us so much fresh and bountiful ingredients!"

"You can say that again. This is some beautiful produce!" Sylvia praises while assessing some bellpeppers.

"Oh definitely!" Wander agrees. "But ya wanna know the best part?"

"What's the best part?.. Lemme guess" Sylvia says while Wander looked as though he was about to explode with joy. "Dominator is coming around?.."

"YES!" Wander shouts so loud that even Dominator amid her ship's ruins in the distance heard the exclamation.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down buddy!" Sylvia urges seeing Wander seemingly about to bounce away uncontrollably. "I get that you're happy but we've got cooking to do! We can't get too worked up when working with a flame!"

Wander could not sit still he was so giddy with joy.

"...On second thought" Sylvia reconsiders, "maybe it's best you get all that excess energy out now before we're at the open-flame cooking stage. Permission to go nuts granted!"

"YEEEEHHAAAAWWW!" Wander exclaims running about gathering cooking ingredients at record pace. "Cooking time for friends and loved ones HERE WE COME!"

With boundless enthusiasm and his iconic green hat temporarily transformed into a chef's hat, Wander was slicing tomatoes, dicing potatoes, chopping onions which summoned tears of joy, and grating plenty of other ingredients.

"Hey buddy! Hogging all the work are ya?" Sylvia questions upon seeing Wander already frying some of the ingredients.

"Sorry Syl, I just cannot wait for this dish to be ready. Dee is going to be extra hungry when she's done cleaning up."

"So how much longer before we're eating?" Sylvia asks.

"Won't be long. Gonna say about 10 minutes" Wander informs. "In the meantime, could you check up on Dominator? Let her know food's ready in 10 minutes please."

"Sure thing" Sylvia agrees before walking off and heading towards the remains of the Skull Cruiser 9001. "Hey Dominator! Where are ya?"

"Over here" answers Dominator's voice.

"Oh, there you are" Sylvia says upon finding Dominator hard at work gathering up wreckage. "Hey, you're doing a pretty good job!" she says noting how the chaotic mess left behind by the explosion of the Skull Cruiser had been tidied up and much of it cleared away.

"Thanks" Dominator said.

"You've got things organized and everything. Any reason why?" Sylvia wonders while noting how all the different types of scrap metal had been piled up together.

"...Well recycling is important. Important to sort materials out for recycling" Dominator excused quickly.

"...Okay, well I'm just here to let you know food's ready in 10 minutes."

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now