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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Nights on the planet of Gardenia were both calm and quiet, a fact appreciated by the two rescue deer Citrus and Blossom who slept out in the open on the planet's lush and bountiful surface. Citrus and Blossom were soon joined by Beeza and her fellow Leisurians, hard-working aliens that specialized in providing rest and relaxation and were themselves generally very relaxed. The Leisurians, partially at Wander's insistence, had started construction on Gardenia's very first buildings which they hoped to build up to the finest of resort towns this side of the galaxy. In the meantime, they slept safe and sound below their intergalactic guard dog Buster which joined their peaceful slumber orbiting Gardenia.

Gardenia's star-filled night skies helped keep the planet from total darkness and helped illuminate a very cozy room inside The Domship when lights were shut off. It was to this room that Wander and Dominator would often retire to whenever both were ready to call it a day.

"Always thought a glass roof was a dumb idea" Dominator remarks while relaxing atop bed, "but I gotta admit... The stars make excellent night lights. They're very nice to look at."

"They sure are" Wander says placing his hat on the bedside table right next to photos of a wonderful stay at Atena. He then snuggles up with Dominator.

"There's just something about them that relaxes me... Puts me at ease..."

"Our great great great great GREEEAAT great great great great GREEEAAT grandparents would sleep under these very same stars" Wander says. "It's a relaxing thought, isn't it?"

"It is... So that's how you and Sylvia managed to sleep outside back then" Dominator says.

"Syl and I had no complaints" Wander confirms.

"What was that like?" Dominator asks turning to rest on her side.

"Pretty much like sleeping indoors" Wander answers shrugging. "Plenty of fresh air."

"But no bed?"

"No bed needed. I had my trusty hat" Wander says before grabbing his hat and slipping his body in.

"Haha! Not a lot of people wear their sleeping bag on their head. Warm in there?"

"Better than the finest beds" Wander acclaims.

"Really? Got room for one more in there?" Dominator purrs.

"I do but it might be a tight fit" Wander responds slipping out.

"Dang!.. Oh well. This bed will have to do then" Dominator concludes pulling Wander closer.

Wander then gasps "meteor shower!" as loudly as the quiet of their bedroom would allow.

"Comfy bed and a show" Dominator says watching little streaks of light crowd the night sky.

"A glass roof's not so dumb now, huh?" Wander asks.

"Definitely not" Dominator sighs. "I see the appeal."

The room is gently bathed with light in rhythm with the natural phenomena above. Wander and Dominator admire the patterns of light and shade this makes in their bedroom before their gazes settle on one another. Neither exchange any words but both come to the same conclusion: now was the perfect time for a hearty good night kiss.

The meteor shower went on throughout the night, countless shooting stars burning up entering Gardenia's atmoshpere. All burned up except for one; this lone, wandering star successfully plunged into the depths of a great body of water on Gardenia.

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The news went off like a supernova shocking a great many in the galaxy, summoning endless fascinated discussion, and creating division with villains in particular.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now