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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Lord Dominator once ruled the top spot of the galactic villain leaderboard with the heaviest of iron fists. Since her falling however, the top spot was there for anyone to take. Unsurprisingly, the very vessel responsible for helping to topple the green villainess, The Doom Moon, was wasting no time filling in the power vacuum left at the top.

Among the founders and current leadership of this new, powerful spaceship was the ever-hateful Lord Hater and his sidekick Commander Peepers.

"I spy with my little eye yet another jewel to be added to my glorious crown!" Lord Hater announces inside the Doom Moon's command room after having arrived at a planet ripe for conquest.

"Oh! My turn to announce their doom?" Emperor Awesome asks eager to do his part.

"Microphone's all yours" Commander Peepers answers.

"Swee~eet!" Emperor Awesome celebrates before stepping in front of a camera meant for projecting a villain's image. "Greetings nerds!" the planet-sized projection of Awesome announces. "Are you ready to rock!?"

"Emperor Awesome!? Everybody run around aimlessly!" horse-like residents exclaim before galloping around in a panic.

"Gonna need my disco ball. Have it running by the time I get down there. My audience eagerly awaits!" Emperor Awesome says before heading for his limo-shaped ship and descending on the planet.

"Disco ball mode!" Hater says before, at the press of a button, the Doom Moon began to rotate shining and glimmering very much like a disco ball and joining in on the intricate array of lights and loud music Awesome was subjecting his victims to.

"Having fun, Hater?" Sourdough the Evil Sandwich suddenly speaks up from a different part of the command room. Standing by Sourdough was Little Bits not looking too pleased either.

"Yeah, why? Aren't you?" Hater asks very casually.

"Oh this is swell and nice and all" Sourdough answers sarcastically, "but Dominator is still out there! Her and her ship is still out there!"

"Yeah? And?" Hater asks.

"This ship was made for destwoying Dominataa!" Little Bits reminded Hater. "Why haven't we destwoyed Dominataa yet!?"

"Relax!" Hater requests. "We took care of her last time. Did you forget?"

"I don't like leaving jobs half done!" Sourdough reveals. "Let's tie up any loose ends before they become unruly!"

Before Hater could respond, Peepers jumps in.

"Even if we wanted to, we currently don't know where she is" Peepers updates. "She got away from us last time. For the time being, we will continue conquering planets. We're bound to run into her sooner or later. It's the best we can do."

Sourdough and Little Bits look at each other impatiently.

"...Fine" Little Bits says simply. "The moment we wocate her better be the moment we anniwihiate-anniwhiiate-aniwiha-aniwihate-"

"Hehehehe!" Hater giggles at Little Bits's adorable struggles.

"DESTWOY her!" Little Bits finishes angrily.

"All I ask for is patience" Peepers requests. "With her missing, there's little we can do."

"Argh!" Sourdough growls impatiently. "...Great! We have no choice it seems... How irritating!"

"I want her gone as much as the next guy" Peepers admits. "But we gotta find her first..."

"I know and it's infuriating!" Sourdough growls.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now