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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"Silver forks, spoons, knives... Diamond-encrusted frying pan... Golden chopsticks..." Dominator lists while she and some Dombots sifted through the loot they had seized from champion chef Colen's home. "...Very expensive-looking bowl. No idea what it's made out of but it certainly looks and feels expensive... And it's mine now! Haha!"

"Lord Dominator, cook book located" one of Dominator's Dombots reports presenting Dominator with a cooking book titled "Cooking Champion Colen's Complete Collected Championship Cuisine Catalog Containing Challenging Culinary Creations".

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-=episode title=-

"Excellent! The days of eating that tube garbage are numbered!" Dominator declares before opening the book. She looks over a number of pages before snapping the book shut. "This looks too complicated. Bots 8, 11, 19!"

"Yes Lord Dominator!" Dombots 8, 11, and 19 all report simultaneously with a salute.

"You guys get cooking!" she says shoving the book into the robotic claws of Bot 19.

"Does not compute" was the Dombot's reply before handing the book back.

"What do you mean does not compute!?" Dominator says irritated. "Get to cooking!"

"Error! Cooking protocols not found!" objected the bot once more.

"Do it! I have domination to get to!" Dominator counters.

"Exception! Robotic claws incompatible with duties assigned!" Bot 11 alerted.

"Do it or I'm ejecting you three out of my ship!" Dominator threatened. "Got it!?"

"Yes Lord Dominator!" the three Dombots agree before hurrying off to the kitchen.

"Good" Dominator approves before turning her attention to a planet at her Domship's mercy, a planet with koala-like inhabitants. "Greetings future domination victims" Dominator said through a near planet-sized projection of herself.

"AAaaah! Lord Dominator!", "She's returned!", "Run for your lives!" shouted a number of those living on the threatened planet. Most on the planet however stood in awe at the sight.

"Prepare yourselves" Dominator's voice boomed, "your end is -WHIRRRRRR-k-kreashhh!"

The last of Dominator's words had been drowned out by what sounded like a blender followed by dishes shattering.

"What was that?", "Not sure", "I think she's selling weapons!", "Self-defense IS important!", some on the planet discussed.

"I said prepare for-brrrrrrrrrr-krkrkrkrkrkrk!-keep it down over there!" Dominator's projection shouts.

"We're not being noisy", "Who died and made her queen?", "I'll be as loud as I want", "Aaaaaaaaah!" the chatter went on among Dominator's current helpless subjects.

"POKPOKPOKPOKPOK-SSSSSSSSSS-GRRrrrr! Give me a second!" Dominator excuses herself and heads for her kitchen, the kitchen Wander had built for her not too long ago. "I'm trying to dominate a planet here! What's with the racket!?" she exclaims on her way to the disturbance.

Upon entry, she finds a mess: flour coating several surfaces, a lump of dough stuck to the kitchen ceiling, the aftermath of an explosion of a blenderful of sauce, and the shattered fragments of a watermelon all over the floor among other mishaps.

"Bots!" Dominator shouts at bots 8, 11, and 19 who were trying to stuff a whole orange through a juicer only to have the orange pop like a balloon and splash everything nearby with orange juice. "Look at the mess you've made! Clean this up right now! This place better be SPOTLESS when I get back!"

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