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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Holding him close, Dominator's arms wrapped around Wander and his arms wrapped around her just the same, Dominator felt a warmth in the pit of her chest that made her feel like everything was going to be okay. It was a peace and calm she had never felt before. A peace and calm she knew she'd never get tired of.

"I never knew hugs could feel this nice" Dominator almost whispers softly.

"Hugs feel nice, don't they?" Wander asks as if reading Dominator's mind.

"...They do... I've been seriously missing out."

"Now you know why I love giving them so much!" Wander replies giddily.

After a long while, Wander and Dominator loosen their embrace.

"Feels kind of good just letting my emotions out like that" Dominator admits.

"Emotions are meant to be shared, not withheld" Wander taught pulling out a box of tissues. "Here you go!"

"Thanks" Dominator says drying her eyes. As she does so, Wander approaches their productive little patch of land to examine giant spherical fruits that looked like giant grapes. "What are those things?"

"These?" Wander asks lifting one up. "These are the fruits of our labor!" With a gentle tug, Wander snaps the giant fruit off the vine and brings it over to Dominator. "This one's nice and ripe. Give it a feel."

The fruit didn't just look like a giant grape, it felt like one too. With the giant, grape-like fruit in her hands, Dominator gives it a shake.

"What's in this?" Dominator asks.

"I'm glad you asked" Wander says. "Let's find out together. What do you say we open it?"

"Open it?.. Why not?" Dominator asks. "How do we open it?"

"With this!" Wander says pulling out a small butter knife.

"A butter knife? I think you're gonna need something a little bigger" Dominator comments.

"It'll be enough, trust me" Wander says cutting a small incision across the top. Wander then places a hand on opposite sides of the round fruit before bringing the fruit down on his bent knee causing the fruit to split all the way down from the initial incision. In both hands, Wander was then left holding two halfs of the fruit.

"You nailed it!" Dominator celebrates.

"And now we eat."

Dominator eyed her half which was shaped like a bowl with more solid edges and more liquid center.

"Eating this is easy by the way" Wander explains. "Start from the center like eating a bowl of cereal or soup. Except the bowl is edible too!"

Dipping her spoon in, Dominator lifts up a portion of what looked like gelatin and has a taste.

"...This is pretty good!" Dominator praises.

"I know, right?" Wander agrees eating from his half. "Just think, we started with only this" he says handing Dominator a tiny seed. "And now we have this" he goes on holding up his fruit portion.

"..It's amazing..." Dominator replies examining the seed. She looks at Wander who was smiling broadly at her before looking over at the garden that was producing more fruit. It contrasted sharply with the emptiness of the rest of the planet.

At one time, Lord Dominator took great pleasure in arriving at lush and vibrant planets, drilling them to extract everything they had, and leaving behind planets covered by wasteland.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now