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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"Hey Dominator. I've come across some Dombot remnants I think you'd be interested in" a text from Ripov read.

"Hello Ripov! Great to hear" Dominator texts back happy to hear from the bounty hunter. "We can send bots to pick up. Just let us know where to send them."

"Awesome! I'll send coordinates shortly" Ripov texts back. "By the way, please stop me if I'm prying but I heard you recently got some great news."

"I have. Wander and I are going to be parents!"

"My Grop!.. Congratulations!" Ripov texts alongside an animated pic of fireworks exploding. "I'd love to see the baby pictures once the baby's here."

"Haha! You're not the only one" Dominator texts in response. "I'll be sure to text you pics."

Ela, Dominator's mother also made sure to text her daughter.

"Dania, I'm not one to listen to the galaxy's ever-imaginative rumor mill but there's some info I can't ignore" Ela texts.

"Is it that I'm pregnant?" Dominator texts.

"Are you?"

"I'm pregnant, mom" Dominator texts feeling proud. "Wander and I are going to be parents."

"...Dania, I wish I was there with you right now. I'd hug you so tight!" Ela replies.

"Could you come over?" Dominator asks.

"It could be arranged" Ela texts. "I'll let you know. I'll definitely be there to see the baby. You can bet on that!"

Dominator could only beam at her phone once this conversation was done. She put her phone away before getting back to a more pressing matter: the many MANY paparazzi that had been stuffed into The Domship's jail cells.

"Just one picture. C'mon!", "You gotta tell us when the baby's due!", "Names! Baby names!", "Do we know if it's a boy or girl yet!?", the many paparazzi in the jail cells seemed to both beg for and demand.

"These guys care more about getting their big scoop than the fact that they're currently jailed" Sylvia remarks astounded. "If we give you a tiny bit of info, do you promise to beat it right after?"

"We promise" a paparazzi with shades says with right hand raised, his left hand behind his back crossing fingers.

"Baby names would be nice" another paparazzi suggests. "Ooh! Baby names! Please!", "Where's my recorder! My recorder!", "Tell us! Boy or girl?" some in the jail cells start letting out frantically like starved inmates begging for scraps.

"Sylvia, give these types a meter and they'll take a lightyear" Dominator says with arms folded while Wander browsed a wedding dress catalog he kept hidden from Dominator behind a book on interior decor.

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

"Awaiting orders, Lord Wander" Knight Dombot Sputnik says.

"I say we give them a chance" Wander suggests.

"I say we don't" Dominator says.

"Gonna side with Dee on this one, buddy. These guys are a little too insistent for my liking" Sylvia says.

"Well, looks like I'm outvoted" Wander shrugs.

"That means you ilk have to beat it!" Dominator barks at the captive paparazzi. "And if you show up again, I'll make sure you never leave" Dominator says while brandishing ice and magma claws.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now