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Author's note: I love me some slice-of-life. It's relaxing to me.

Wander over Yonder Season 3

Lord Hater was sitting in a Domship jail cell bouncing a rubber ball against one of the four walls around him. A rotten grimace was plastered all over his face after having witnessed Wander and Dominator lock lips.

"Hey! Keep it down over there" bounty hunter Blue Thunder demands from an adjacent jail cell. "This is supposed to be quiet time. I'm trying to read!"

"Hey Hater, let's play catch. Pass the ball over here" Yellow Thunder asks ready for a toss towards his own cell.

Hater complies and the two begin to toss the ball back and forth, bouncing it against various surfaces as they did so.

"Haha! Nice throw" Yellow Thunder lauds.

"Trying to read, here" Blue complains.

"Play ball with us" Yellow asks.

"No" Blue answers.

"Boring. You're so boring" Yellow condemns. "Hey Red, wanna hop in?"

"No thanks" Red replies.

"Double boring!" Yellow whines.

"I actually wanna talk to Hater about something" Red says. "Hater. Who's paying us for our services? It was our tracker that helped lead the Doom Moon here."

"Talk to the sandwich!" Hater growls. "The Doom Moon is no more..."

"Why can't you pay us?" Red asks.

"I didn't hire you!" Hater snaps.

"And where do we find the sandwich!?" Red demands.

"What am I? His keeper!?" Hater returns irritated.

"Argh! Jipped again!" Red complains.

"How lovely" Blue says sarcastically. "Another wasted effort."

"Maybe the sandwich is sleeping in a lunch box somewhere?" Yellow jokes. Silence is the result. "Jeez! Tough crowd!.. At least we had fun, right?"

"Getting paid is what I find fun" Red counters.

Just then, two Dombot Knights enter the room escorting Commander Peepers to Hater's cell.

"Peepers!" Hater speaks up. "You've come to break me out?"

"N-not exactly, sir" Peepers confesses, "but I 'am' getting you out."

"Oh... Good" Hater uttered simply.

"Lord Hater, present wrists" one of the two Dombots orders and Hater complies sticking forearms out between jail cell bars. With wrists frozen solid together, Hater is let out.

"Thank goodness, sir. You're still in one piece" Peepers sighs relieved.

"Of course I am. You think Dominator would ever win against me?" Hater challenges. "I just let myself get captured."

"Let's just go home, sir" Peepers says unamused by Hater's boasting.

"I'm serious! If you had shown up a bit sooner, I'd have this place conquered but I see you're homesick so let's just go home" he says as he and Peepers are escorted away.

"Hater" Dominator greets suddenly as Hater passes her by in an adjacent hallway.

"Dominator" Hater greets back but more bitterly. "Got your fill of that Wander's goody-two-shoe lips?"

"Dunno. I don't think I have" Dominator answers with a ponderous expression.

"What do you want!?" Hater barks.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now