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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Queen Entozoa was a moderate success on the villain leaderboards before her true form of a plasma-like eel demon was condemned to the body of a sandwich. Ruling over muscular henchmen with crystal balls for heads, it was with these thugs she conquered planets and one day, the planet of Atena fell in her crosshairs.

Sheltered inside one of her purple mudskipper-shaped ships and seated comfortably on her command throne, Queen Entozoa prepared her introduction.

"People of Atena! Cower in fear for it is I! Queen Entozoa!" Queen Entozoa's planet-sized hologram announced loudly in the skies of Atena. "Surrender your arms and kneel before my glorious crown!" the hologram demanded as a number of Entozoa's ships hovered in the skies. Heavily-armed Beefeaters then descended to land in the middle of the Atenan city of Apellopolis before beginning their destructive march.

"Submit to Queen Entozoa's rule!" one Beefeater exclaims. "Surrender or perish!" another shouts as his laser rifle blasts holes through walls. "Queen Entozoa's mighty crown will reach all corners of the galaxy!" one screams while waving Entozoa's flag of conquest. "Resistance is futile!" one shouts blasting cars to scrap metal. Streets and buildings were struck as Entozoa's forces advanced causing thousands to flee in terror.

"Queen Entozoa is attacking!", "Run for your lives!", "Somebody save us!" Atenan citizenry cry out during the invasion.

"Is there no warrior that can stand in my way?" Queen Entozoa's hologram challenges. "No? Then march forth my loyal minions! Subjugate this planet! Gyahahahaha! Make it mine!" she shrieked before her challenge was answered: some of her troops are suddenly hit with hot blobs of lava knocking them back before cementing them in place. "Who dares!?"

An Atena warrior with feminine figure and clad in dragon-themed armor, the yellow, lightning bolt horns adorning her helmet denoting her membership to The Heroes of Atena, lands with a loud and defiant crash.

"Invaders! Begone from my home or I will dispose of you all myself!" this newcomer demands.

"Wh-who are you!?" a Beefeater squad leader gasps as he struggled against the magma clinging to him.

"Call me the end to Entozoa's reign" the Atena defender proclaims.

"Insolence! INSOLENCE!" the insulted queen screams. "Go forth my loyal servants! Blast this disobedient fool apart!"

Numerous Beefeaters all open fire only for the Atena defender to block them by lifting blocks of magma rock out of fresh cracks on the ground, and the Beefeaters are quickly cemented to magma blasted out of other cracks.

"Failures! Weaklings! Imbeciles!" Entozoa screams as her forces were so easily overwhelmed.

Before the invading queen could send more of her conquering armies, several squadrons of Atena Air Force units strike: assailed by Atena's crescent-shaped fighter ships, violent explosions rock Entozoa's ships causing extensive damage.

"GGRRRAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!" Queen Entozoa screamed frustrated Atena was quickly proving a tough nut for her armies to crack. Another crash is then felt on Queen Entozoa's own ship. "Wh-what was that!?" she questions alarmed before a wall in her command room explodes and several of her henchmen are defeated by blasts of sticky magma. "AAAAaaaaahhh!"

Queen Entozoa had been descended upon by the same mysterious hero in the dragon-themed armor, the hero's magma arm stretching and seizing the invading queen to hold her firmly in place.

"Invader! A word of advice" the hero says, "Atena is not for conquering and we Atenans have always prided ourselves in defying all who attempt. Now it is your turn to learn that lesson!"

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now