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Wander over Yonder Season 3

The primary inhabitants of Planet HeartStar looked like rabbits and had furry heart patches on their chests. They were also very good at multiplying thus HeartStar's population was great and as of late, it had come under new management. "Welcome to Planet HeartStar! Prime destination for newlyweds!" read an ornate sign greeting all new arrivals. "Under new management of the exhalted LORD HATER!" an even larger sign read just above it.

"Peepers!" Hater shouts while pacing about in a throne room on Planet HeartStar. "I told you, didn't I!?"

"What did you tell me?" Peepers asks.

"That Wander and Dominator would become more powerful than either you or I could ever imagine!" Hater says shoving a gossip magazine into Peepers's face.

"Galaxy's new power couple" Peepers reads. "Okay. What about this?"

"Hello. They're a 'power' couple" Hater repeats. "That means they're powerful."

"No sir, that's not what that means. That just means they were both influential in their own right before marriage" Peepers explains. "Whatever the case, they're out of your way. Why keep worrying about those two?"

"Because they're more powerful now that they've joined powers! If they were to go after me, I'd be in serious trouble! Aren't you paying attention?" Hater questions.

"Yes I'm paying atten-"

"Whatever the case" Hater interrupts, "now that Wander is more powerful, I need to find a new nemesis."

"You do?"

"Yes, I do. All great men in history had a nemesis to keep them motivated. Keep them on edge, ready, and honed for battle: I had Wander, Malfeasant had Star Bella, Rubella e Vil had all those little spotted dogs that annoyed her."

"Those spotted dogs were hardly a threat" Peepers says flatly.

"That's what they want you to think but those spots were deadly! Anyways, I need to replace Wander with a worthy foe" Hater says wielding posters seeking a new rival. "Operation 'find Hater a new nemesis' is a go!"

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

Flying inside one of their mini-Domships, Wander sat snuggled comfortably on Dominator's lap while both relaxed on their way towards their honeymoon destination.

"I think they should be right next to our bedrooms" Wander suggests while reviewing a map of The Domship. "That way, we can quickly tend to the baby's needs if he or she starts crying. I want to be right then and there to help soothe our baby and lull him or her back to sound, peaceful sleep!" the nomad says with eyes glimmering enthusiastically.

"No, I think the baby's rooms should be a little further away" Dominator says. "I'd hate for our kid to hear us when we're enjoying bed time a little more than usual..."

"...Oh, good point. We're going to need a baby monitor then" Wander concludes writing the item up on a paper list. "We could also make the Domship walls soundproof."

"They're already soundproof. Most of them, anyways..." Dominator says. "So what's the hurry? Baby shouldn't be due until some months from now" Dominator predicts.

"How many months?"

"It takes eight months for a Nefai mother to give birth but that's with two Nefai parents" Dominator explains thinking. "You're not Nefai though so maybe it'll take less time?"

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now