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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"Breathe in and breathe out" the yoga program on the wall-mounted television instructed.

Sharing a yoga mat, Dominator and Wander both breathe in and out while sequestered in one of several Domship gyms.

"Place forearms flat on the floor and lift both legs up and above, knees bent like so and hold!" the program instructs.

"Okay. Easy enough" Wander says while he and Dominator do as told.

"Continue holding" the television instructs.

"Hold on!" Wander insists.

"Holding on!" Dominator responds.

"And... Release" the yoga program commands. "Very good..." the show lauds as Wander and Dominator collapse.

"Muscles burning! Always thought yoga was for wimps but this is actually a challenge" Dominator said catching her breath. "Wish I would have tried it out sooner. This is satisfying!"

"Better late than never I always say" Wander said wisely. "You're amazing at it by the way. More flexible than me for sure!"

"You're too kind" Dominator says.

"Ooh, I think the 'bird of paradise' pose is next" Wander predicts and the television program confirms it seconds later.

"Bring it on!" Dominator accepts beating her chest before locking her right leg behind her right arm.

"Wow!" Wander says impressed.

"Ha! This ain't so tough" the green villainess brags before switching to her left leg. "Oh yeah! You're not alive if you never push yourself to your limits!"

"I-I got ya" Wander was quick to say grabbing hold of Dominator's leg to steady her.

"Always the gentleman~" Dominator purrs sweetly.

"Never hurts to help" Wander reminds proudly.

"There you two are" a familiar voice cuts across. Sylvia is then spotted at the magma door, a green-glowing Probe Dombot levitating beside her.

"Hello Syl! Hello Peridot!" Wander greets as Dominator stood up on both feet once more.

"Greetings Lord Wander" the green Dombot returns in a feminine voice.

"Been doing yoga huh?" Sylvia asks. "Having fun?"

"You bet!" Wander answers upbeat.

"A new experience for me" Dominator adds flexing her limbs. "So what's up?"

"Your pear tree is ready" Peridot informs to which Wander gasps.

"Oh goody! Let's go check it out" Wander says.

A little time later, all four enter a small, walk-in greenhouse on the surface of Gardenia, a greenhouse Wander and Dominator had started together.

"Heeey~! It's nice and warm in here" Sylvia praises looking around inside the greenhouse which contained some potted plants and some dwarf trees growing out from the ground. "When'd you guys build this?"

"About a week ago" Dominator tells.

"7.62 days ago" Peridot specifies.

"Yeah, that. Wander wanted one so we built it" Dominator explains while Wander watered a series of potted plants.

"And Dee wanted to try her hand at growing pears" Wander tells.

"Pear fan?" Sylvia asks.

"I like their taste, yes" Dominator informs. "Sweet but not too sweet."

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now