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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"Fellow crewmates, I have some distressing news for us all" Peepers directed at Hater and a meeting room full of Watchdogs.

"Taco Tuesday is cancelled?", "My mother in law called?", "Captain Tim's a father?" were among the guesses heard.

"Watchdogs are getting raises?" Hater guessed. "I hope not."

"No on all of the above. The raises especially" Peepers answers. "The truth is we're going broke."

"What!?" Hater exclaims above loud Watchdog consternation.

"But not to worry, we're smart people after all" Peepers reasons. "We'll figure something out. So! We need funds. Ideas? I need to hear some ideas..."

Watchdogs eyed one another.

"...Uhh, bake sale?" a Watchdog named Bert suggests.

"We need lots of money, not chump change" Peepers counters.

"How's about we just conquer more planets?" a Watchdog named Mark proposes.

"Planetary conquest is expensive and it's what got us here to begin with" Peepers responds. "The last couple planets had very little in their bank vaults. Talk about rotten luck. Next!"

All in the room get lost in thought.

"Aaagh, this is hard! Someone think of something already" Hater complained.

Hater crossed his arms and glared at his Watchdogs as though this would finally conjure up a genius idea. Peepers then spots a hotel brochure atop the meeting table.

"What if we take over a high-end hotel and run it?" Peepers proposes after a quick look into the brochure. Glances are exchanged. "And any wealthy customers we get, we rob them blind!" he plots further.

"...That just might be crazy enough to work" Hater agrees. "Let's do it!"

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

Several more hotel brochures were busted out and distributed.

"Ooh man, this is like we're getting ready for vacation!", "Which should we take over?", "It should be one with internet access!" floated about the meeting room.

"Oh, this one has a giant waterpark in the back. Neptune's Resort!", "'The Golden Orange' on Planet Fruita has a giant fruit farm and is known for its top-class fruit dishes", "Well this one has a giant zoo. We can ride rhinos at this resort!"

"Rhino rides!" some Watchdogs cheer.

"'Death Ray Resort' has a giant death ray for asteroid blasting! Page 16" a Watchdog declares and all turn to that page.

"OOooooooh" many Watchdogs emit collectively.

"Giant death ray! Giant death ray!" Hater chants bouncing in his seat. "I demand a giant death ray!"

"Giant death ray it is" Peepers agrees and soon, the Skull Ship was maneuvered towards 'Death Ray Resort', a high-class resort with impeccable lawn and flower garden and elaborate sprinkler system leading up to the front entrance. Other than a giant and frightening death ray poking out from the roof, the resort looked very much like any other resort with fancy front door and beautiful water fountain greeting any and all visitors.

"Welcome to 'Death Ray Resort'. Please enjoy your stay" neatly-dressed employees greet as they open the front doors and allow Hater's conquering Watchdog armies entry.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now