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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Dominator, Wander, Sylvia, and Beep Boop along with other Dombots all sped through the maze that was the ventilation system of the mighty Doom Moon. The Doom Moon, a powerful ship being commandeered by many of Dominator's previous rivals like Lord Hater and Sourdough was currently drilling into Gardenia, a once-desolate planet that Wander and Dominator, through hard work and clever thinking, had brought to life.

"The engine room. We're here" Beep Boop announces after an urgent trek.

Dominator looks through the grille on the side of the duct to confirm the existence of what looked to be giant engines loudly operating and expelling excess amounts of heat and exhaust in the process. Scurrying about to maintain this loud machinery were Sourdough's Beefeaters, muscular henchmen with crystal balls for heads, in industrial coveralls.

"This is the engine room alright" Dominator assesses before punching out the grille and finally exiting the ducts that spiderwebbed throughout the ship. She's followed out by Sylvia then Wander and finally Beep Boop and accompanying Dombots.

"Lord Dominator!?" a Beefeater exclaims.

Dominator redeploys her armor before answering. "That's right! Thought you were rid of me did you?"

Immediately, caught unprepared, the Beefeaters scramble.

"Not so fast!" Dominator exclaims before blasting the fleeing henchmen with freezing winds encasing their bodies in ice from the neck down. She stops all but one who had dashed towards the doorway only to run into Sylvia.

"Heading for this?" Sylvia asks holding an emergency alarm switch she had ripped out of the wall.

Defeated, the last Beefeater is also encased in ice. The frozen Beefeaters, five total, were then all lined up along a wall.

"Alright, you five sit nice and quietly now. Momma's in the mood for some heavy metal" Dominator says cracking her knuckles and readying an onslaught against the Doom Moon's engines.

Sylvia and Wander had never seen engines so immense: a lot of the complex machinery Dominator was preparing to destroy stood three stories high, some going beyond the ceiling, and occupied several square common distance units of area.

"Almost a shame to see these things get scrapped. I don't think I've ever seen engines this big" Sylvia comments. "...Almost."

"Size isn't everything" Dominator says with a glowing magma fist which she launches into one engine piercing straight through to the other side and halting its normal operation. Transforming that fist into a spiked ball, she forces the ball through the initial puncture to widen the damage.

"Stand back you two" Dominator warns Sylvia and Wander, "I'm just getting warmed up!"

"Gotcha" Sylvia says pulling Wander away from the spectacle.

Dominator's armored claws transform into spinning saw blades and she takes flight. Passing over several giant engines with the blades hanging underneath, she shears through the engines spewing off large amounts of sparks, fire, and smoke.

She approaches another large engine and blasts it with her ice powers freezing it solid. Then, with an arm transformed into a magma hammer, starts hammering away shattering the frozen engine into small bits.

"This is fun! Wish I had tried my hand at something like this sooner!" Dominator remarks.

"Man, this is violent" Sylvia says watching Dominator decimate expensive-looking machinery.

"You wanna join in?" Wander asks.

"Yeah!.. Erm, I mean I would but it looks dangerous" Sylvia excuses.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now