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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"The name is Sir Brad Starlight! I am a supreme hero of the highest caliber! The galaxies across the universe utter my name in great reverence and exhaltation. Especially after I defeated THE Lord Dominator and put an end to that Doom Moon single-handedly without anyone's help. Yes, that's right. I'm that amazing! And if anyone tells you otherwise, they're a big, stupid liar with a dumb face and they're envious of my accomplishments! They're probably ugly too so they're jealous of my chiseled good looks. They wish they had a perfect chin like mine!"

"Hey. Buddy. You okay?" asked a tall and imposing customer with heavy jewelry hanging off his neck while standing across a restaurant counter from Brad Starlight. "I'm waiting for my order."

"Wha-? Oh, oh right! Your order" Brad Starlight was quick to say.

"Here you go sir" Brad's cousin Chad Starlight says handing the customer a brown paper bag. "Please come again!"

"Thank you. Nice to know some still take their menial, degrading, dead end jobs seriously. Hahaha!" the customer says before leaving.

"Now you may be wondering what I'm doing here working at a fast food joint. I'm actually undercover... to... do a thing... To investigate an evil spirit that-"

"We're raising money for your motorcycle" Chad chimes in. "You totaled it."

"What? Were you listening to my inner monologue!?" Brad asks irritated. "You know I hate that!"

"You were talking out loud again" Chad says while accepting a customer's order.

"That doesn't mean you can listen in" Brad counters. "And I didn't total my steed, that car got in front of it! Not the other way around!"

"The car was parked" Chad points out. "You drove into it or something."

"Uh, duh! Parked in front of me when it could have been parked anywhere else" Brad says. "It was their fault, not mine."

"Someone unleashed a pile of chunks in the bathroom" the annoyed restaurant manager growls shoving a mop into Brad's hands.

"Wasn't me!" Brad defends.

"Never said it was" the manager replies. "Just stop slacking off and get to cleaning!"

"That's the restaurant manager and he's stupid and ugly, the opposite of me. Always annoys me with 'do this, do that'."

"What'd you say!?" the manager demands angrily.

"I said I'm cleaning!" Brad says rushing into the restroom. "Eww! Gross!" he whines before reluctantly mopping up a mess.

"Hey. Did you hear?" someone in a bathroom stall suddenly spoke up.

Brad looks around before asking "you talking to me?"

"Yeah. Wander and Dominator are heading this way! Can you believe it?"

"Wander? Dominator? Heading this way?" Brad asks. "What could they possibly want?"

"Well I hear the two are dating so maybe they're coming on vacation?"

"Dating? Those two cannot be dating!" Brad responds.

"It's all over the intergalactic tabloids" the stranger says sliding a gossip magazine out from the stall.

"Th-this is just not possible!" Brad objects after reviewing the magazine. "Her with him? He's so short and she's so tall!"

"I dunno. Photos show them all cozy together" the stranger reinforces.

"Thank you for the information random stranger. Also, ewww!" Brad lets out dropping the magazine.

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