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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Beeza, leader of The Leisurians and mayor of Leisure Gardens, stood before a newly-constructed library armed with a large pair of scissors. Behind her observing with great anticipation were many of her fellow Leisurians eager to enter the structure.

"It is with excitement and great honor that I now declare this library open" Beeza announces before cutting the ribbon wrapping around the building.

Once cut, many crowding the entrance patiently filed into the library to get reading. Wander and Sylvia were among those waiting their turn to enter.

"This is so exciting!" Wander nearly screams.

"It's just a library, buddy" Sylvia chuckles. "I don't get it, though. Why a library when all you need is on the galaxy wide web?" Sylvia asks her star nomad friend.

"Sylvia!" Wander gasps. "Libraries are beautiful places filled with knowledge and wisdom collected across the cosmos and over the ages. One should never underestimate the value of a good book!"

"I suppose you're right, buddy" Sylvia agrees preferring not to downplay something that seemed very valuable to Wander.

"Look at all the books in here!" Wander exclaims excitedly after entering.

"Shhh" the librarian shushes gently.

"Sorry" Wander whispers back. "Syl. Look at all the books in here" he whispers at his friend beside him. "What are you hoping to read today?"

"Well now that I'm here, I'm hoping for a book on boxing" Sylvia answers looking about. "Lady Haymaker and the Duchess got plenty of strength but I sometimes wonder if my technique could use some work. How about you, buddy?"

"Books on child care" Wander replies looking about. "And I see some right over there!"

Sylvia watches Wander head off towards a gathering of tall bookshelves and wide bookcases. He is quickly engrossed by many books featuring titles such as "Parenting for Dumbos", "Are You Ready for Parenthood?", and "Bottles, Diapers, and Bibs" in the educational wing of the library.

"So Wander, you think you're ready for parenthood?" Sylvia asks joining the nomad's side.

Wander gasps.

"What if I'm not!?" Wander worries before sifting through the books for more parenting tips.

"Buddy, we've both taken care of a kid before" Sylvia recollects. "A really, really big kid and I'm guessing your kid's not gonna be such a handful so it should go smoothly."

"Hope you're right, Syl."

"I know I'm right" Sylvia says confidently.

"Here's a big check list of what any good parent will need for their first kid" Wander reads in the book: "A little room with baby monitor and crib. A stroller and baby formula. Diapers and baby pajamas and baby bottles."

"These all seem pretty obvious" Sylvia comments. "How many months does Dee have to go before she gives birth?"

"We're not actually sure" Wander answers. "Nefai take eight months to give birth but I'm not Nefai so Dominator's pregnancy might take less time..."

"So how long's it been?"

"Five months" Wander says.

"She doesn't look terribly pregnant for five months. Maybe the baby will be on the smaller side" Sylvia says considering Wander's small stature.

"Big or small, I want to be there for my wife and the little bundle of joy she will one day gift the galaxy" Wander says dreamily.

"I'm looking forward to the baby too. We're gonna have a little Wander or a little Dominator running about. It's going to be so adorable!"

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