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Wander over Yonder Season 3

New mother Dominator was hard at work within one of the many workshops inside The Domship. Drilling, welding, and loud hammerblows could be heard as sparks shot out lighting up the workshop's dim interior.

A safe distance away outside of the workshop was Wander and the first child Dominator had gifted him and the galaxy.

"Son, what do you think your mom is up to in there?" Wander asks the baby in his arms.

Covered in orange fur, this child looked almost entirely like Wander but had the red eyes matching Dominator's. After long consideration, this first son had been named 'Jack'; Wander liked how quick and easy it could be said while Dominator liked that there was a toughness to the name's sound.

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"Son, you wanna knock and check on mom?"

Jack sucks on his pacifier a few times before nodding.

"Great! Let's tip toe gently now" Wander says approaching before the door opened to reveal Dominator making to exit.

"Hey you two. Curious?" Dominator asks wearing a welding mask and protective workshop clothing.

"If it's not too much trouble, Jack and I would like a preview" Wander says.

"No need for a preview. Stroller's done!" Dominator declares pulling out a levitating stroller out of the room.

"Wow!" Wander lets out gazing at the stroller with a color scheme and styling matching the Dombots and Domship. "Look Jack! It's your new stroller!" Wander says before sitting Jack down in Dominator's new invention. "So son, how is it? Comfy?"

Jack pulls at the covers in the stroller before lying down atop it and pulling the covers over himself.

"It's like a bed!" Wander learns. "Jack, you look adorable! Like a cute little snug bug!"

"Leisure Gardens has some nice parks. Wanna take this on a test drive?" Dominator asks.

"Dee, you read my mind" Wander agrees.

Wander and Dominator head for a great big park on Gardenia where they begin a pleasant stroll, Jack snug and secure in the stroller, Wander pushing the stroller along, Dominator following with umbrella for shade.

"This stroller is so easy to push forward" Wander praises.

"Anti-gravity tech for the smoothest of rides!" Dominator boasts.

"And Jack looks so happy!" Wander adds spotting Jack sitting up and looking around curiously.

"What a cute baby!", "He looks so much like you", "He's adorable! What's his name?", "He's loving his park stroll, isn't he?" were among the compliments given by other park goers.

"Thank you so very much!", "He's orange like dad and he has his mother's eyes", "You are too kind! His name is Jack", "I'm loving this park stroll too. Like son, like father!" Wander replies.

A butterfly floats by, Jack's eyes following it closely.

"That's a butterfly, Jack. Isn't it pretty?" Wander tutors before he hears a gentle rumbling. "Jack? Was that you?"

"Jack can't suck on that pacifier forever" Dominator reasons. "Break time. Let's picnic under some shade."

Pulling a large picnic blanket out of his hat, Wander lays it out and all three relax atop it.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now