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Wander over Yonder Season 3

The morning after gifting Dominator soup, Wander awoke feeling satisfied. Knowing he was able to help Dominator even if a little bit was the highlight of that day and the thought that he might be able to turn Dominator good even if a little bit put a major spring in his step.

"Good morning Syl" Wander whispers towards a still-sleeping Sylvia before walking away a good distance. "Good morning sun!" Wander bellowed the local star's way. "Good morning morning air!" he says after taking a deep, refreshing breath. He then turns intending to wish Dominator a good morning only to find one of Dominator's Dombots, one of the larger ones classified as a 'Knight', staring him down menacingly.

"Hello" Wander greets.

"Come with me if you want to live" the Dombot announces in its robotic voice.

Heeding the bot's order, Wander follows the Dombot back to where Dominator was taking shelter and ultimately before Dominator herself who was still in tattered clothes and still seated in what remained of her throne.

"Good morning Dominator! Hope you had a great night's sleep!" Wander greets happily.

"An excellent sleep thanks to you" Dominator confirms. "It's all thanks to you. The soup you made hit all the right spots! I never knew how helpful a ff- a ffriend could be!"

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

"Oh Dominator! You've made me so so happy!" Wander sung.

"Ya can call me Dee if you want. And I'm happy hearing that you're happy" Dominator responds. "And all this happiness is making me famished. How's about you fix us up some breakfast, fff-ffriend?"

"Right away pal!" Wander says looking around frantically. "Where's your kitchen?"

"Don't really have one anymore" Dominator explains. "Come to think of it, I don't think I ever had one to begin with. Ordered a lot of delivery. Whatever the case, all I have left now are ruins" she says indicating the ruins around them both.

"Not to worry. I'll build you one!" Wander said pulling out several tools out of his hat. "Be right back."

Wander began very frantic construction work on a new kitchen not far away from Dominator's makeshift workshop. Underneath the loud sounds of hammer blows, wood sawing, and frequent drilling, a devious grin stretched across Dominator's face.

"Shut! Up! This is just too easy!" Dominator thought watching Wander hard at work. "This little orange idiot is doing all this for me! Doing it all because he thinks he can turn me around and make me good. Oh I cannot wait to see the look on his face the instant I show him his efforts were all in vain! On the contrary, his moronic charity will fuel my comeback! Fuel the rebuilding of my ship and army! Oh what delicious, ironic tragedy awaits!"

"Wander! Buddy! What are you doing!?" suddenly came Sylvia's voice from the kitchen-in-the-making.

"Just building Dominator a kitchen for when she needs to cook" Wander answers. "I was gonna cook her breakfast right after."

"A kitchen!? I don't think she's even the cooking type!" Sylvia says as Dominator enters.

"The Zbornak friend! Better be careful with this one, she could foil my plans" Dominator thought to herself. "Is there a problem here?" the green villainess directs at Sylvia upon entering the room.

"Yes! You've got my buddy building you a kitchen!" Sylvia answers. "What sort of con are you running here!?"

"No con. Wander is my ff-ffriend and he's building me a kitchen" Dominator defends.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now