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Wander over Yonder Season 3

"Dag nabbit! I cannot believe this!" Sylvia said indignantly beating on the magma rock Dominator had bound Wander to. "If only I could get my hands on her right now I'd just, I'd just... Oh, I'm so angry, I don't know what I'd do!"

With some effort, Sylvia finally manages to break Wander free from his magma rock prison.

"Thanks Sylvia" Wander mumbles sounding thoroughly defeated.

"Anytime buddy" Sylvia said, "and I'm really sorry."

"D-don't be Syl, I only have myself to blame" Wander says wiping away the tears in his eyes.

"Don't blame yourself! I know you try to see the best in people but some people are just bad people. You can't reform them" Sylvia implores.

"I thought I had really gotten through to her" Wander says downtrodden, shoulders slouched, head down.

"Wander, I really hate seeing you like this. Come here" Sylvia said with arms open.

Wander and Sylvia embrace in a powerful and affectionate hug and stay like this for a while.

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

"C'mon buddy, let's cheer you up" Sylvia said.

"..How?" Wander asks sadly.

"Well, that Jerkinator probably left a mess where her old ship once sat. What do you say we go clean up?"

"...That's actually a very good idea" Wander answers sounding uplifted. "It's always good to do good."

"Exactly buddy! Let's go..."

The two head over to the crash site and find a large field filled with trash and leftover ship parts. They also find the field stripped of all that made the rest of the planet so lush and colorful.

"Alright, we've got work to do" Sylvia says. "Roll up the sleeves and bust out the trash bags."

Out of his hat, Wander pulls out trash bags and gloves. Together with Sylvia, the two began marching back and forth the field picking up several pieces of trash like ship debris, scrap metal, and empty Insta-Lunch tubes among other things.

"We just got started and field's already looking great!" Sylvia celebrates.

"You're so right" Wander responds. "Soil seems a bit compact though... Time to loosen it up!"

"Challenge accepted!" Sylvia says before strapping on a plow. "Rrrooaarrrggghhh!" she exclaims while dragging the plow back-and-forth and up-and-down the cleaned-up field.

Following close behind Sylvia's plowing effort was Wander dropping compost atop the churned-up soil.

"Alright. Seed time" Wander declares.

"What's the arrangement going to be this time?" Sylvia asked.

"It's more fun if it's a surprise isn't it?" Wander said while walking about and dropping seeds. "Seeds planted."

"Alright! Water full and ready for watering" Sylvia announces holding up two full watering cans.

She and Wander start to water the field and it didn't take long before the watering cans had been emptied.

"And just like that, watering's done" Sylvia declares.

"Now we wait" Wander says pulling out foldable beach chairs out of his hat. Sylvia is quick to have herself a seat to patiently await the fruits of recent labor.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now