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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Sylvia didn't know what to think when she came across Dominator and Wander napping together atop a picnic blanket, Dominator holding Wander as if he were some sort of orange teddy bear.

"Whirry, I'm as shocked as you are right now" Sylvia whispers at Whirry beside her before a dangerous idea visits her. "Whirry, I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can resist!" Sylvia says with her phone out positioned to snap a pic of Dominator and Wander sleeping so comfortably. "N-no! This is wrong! They look so adorable sleeping all snug together but it would be wrong to take pictures! On second thought, will an opportunity like this ever come again?"

Whirry does not hesitate and snaps a number of pics of the two sleeping picnic mates.

"Whirry, you daredevil!" Sylvia comments. "Some would say it's inappropriate to take pictures."

"Lord Wander will appreciate them later."

"That may be true but what about Dominator?"

"I'm not too worried about her" Whirry says as the two snuck away.

Later, first of the two to wake up was Wander who was quick to notice he was, in effect, Dominator's teddy bear. Wander was more than happy to help Dominator get the best sleep she could get and if that meant being her teddy bear, Wander would strive to make of himself the best teddy bear to ever snuggle up in Dominator's embrace.

Cozying up with a wide smile, Wander went back to napping with the green villainess.

Half an hour later, it was Dominator's turn to wake up to the sound of Wander's gentle breathing. Shocked by the situation, Dominator's eyes snap wide open but she keeps her cool and carefully untangles herself from Wander hoping not to wake him.

"Di-did we just nap together!?" Dominator wondered urgently, her glowing face in her hands. "Did I hit my head when I fainted?" she asks internally while probing her head only to find no abnormality.

"Good morning~" Wander suddenly greets waking up very casually.

"I-is it morning?" a pink-faced Dominator asked.

"Looks and feels more like afternoon but I like to say good morning after a nap either way" Wander explains.

"Makes sense" Dominator says exhaling.

"Have a good rest?"

"Yes. That was a nice little nap" Dominator admits.

"Very good!" Wander says stretching to loosen limbs. "You stretch, right? Nothing like a good stretch after a good sleep."

"Of course I stretch. Who doesn't stretch?" Dominator asks joining Wander in stretching.

"We were gonna go for a walk before we napped" Wander recalls. "Shall we pick up where we left off?"

Dominator looks up at The Domship which was peacefully floating above the ground a distance away.

"Okay, sure" Dominator agrees. "I'd like to lend a hand in recovering lost bots once we're back, actually."

"I'm sure that would make the Dombots very happy!" Wander praises before gathering up the picnic blanket and the umbrella.

The two set off not long after.

"...We should hold hands" Dominator suggests. "Just in case something dangerous happens, of course."

Wander giggles before pointing out "but this planet looks perfectly safe to me."

"But you never know. We wouldn't want to get separated or something" Dominator excuses and Wander giggles some more.

"Okay! You make a compelling argument! But we could also just hold hands for the sake of holding hands" Wander says.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now