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Wander over Yonder Season 3

She was a wealthy heiress named Rubella e Vil and to many, she seemed a lot like Queen Entozoa in both appearance and temperament. She had a large collection of stuffed wildlife decorating various corners and walls within her boastful and luxurious, mansion-shaped spaceship and as of late, she had gained an affinity for fur coats and was wearing a leopard's skin when instructing two mighty, broad-chested, well-armored warriors on their mission.

"The Flower Deer! Oh what a beautiful creature. What heavenly fur. What lovely antlers" Rubella e Vil monologued fondling her treasured leopard skin. "If only I'd have known them sooner in my long life. I'd have so many skins collected and carcasses stuffed, I'd have driven them to extinction! EEehehehehehe!" she cackled grotesquely.

"Yes, your cruelness" the two fiercely-armored warriors kneeling before her in her throne room voice simultaneously.

"And it appears Walter has failed me. Pathetic!" Rubella condemned after shattering an expensive glass of wine in a fit of rage. "I trust you two, the greatest hunters that ever lived, as advertised, will NOT fail me?"

"We will not fail, your cruelness" both armored warriors promise.

"Go~od... Now be gone and return with what I desire! Track down the Flower Deer that little orange cretin and his ilk have stolen from me and bring them here! They must be added to my collection!" Rubella almost bellows. "Succeed and I shall make you both wealthy beyond your wildest dreams!"

"Yes your cruelness."

"Failure is NOT an option! I have bequeathed you with the most impressive armors my money can buy! You cannot lose! You will not lose!" Rubella asserted. "Just don't let it go to your heads."

"We will not lose!" both warriors reinforce.

"Go~od... Now begone and bring me my future coats to be!" Rubella orders and her two warriors depart.

Rubella's two mighty agents came in two colors, red and blue, and were impressively armored from head to toe in mighty metal alloys. The armaments hidden in that same armor were also a force to be reckoned with: lasers that could cut through the thickest asteroids, rockets that could shatter solid rocks, shields that could withstand the force of a nuke.

"We look so cool!" the red warrior remarks examining himself after entering the docking bay in Rubella's main ship. Inside, they approach a loaned ship, a spear-shaped, magenta-colored ship named 'Rocket Rubella'.

"And our interstellar steed is equally impressive!" the blue warrior adds. "Mega thrusters capable of reaching faster-than-light speed! Hydrogen-powered bombs that can reduce moons to the tiniest of pebbles!"

"We need a test drive! We gotta do a test drive!" the red warrior insists.

"I agree and I know just the place" Blue replies before Rocket Rubella carries them to a bucket-shaped building. "The Salty Space Spitoon! The roughest, toughest villain club ever to be built in this corner of the galaxy! Only the toughest, roughest to ever grace the galaxy are allowed to enter this vile place!"

"The Salty Space Spitoon" Red reads. "Why does that sound familiar?"

"Just your imagination. We're going in!" Blue declares.

Walking shoulder to shoulder, armored heads held high, the red and blue warriors struck imposing figures.


Red and Blue walk into the Salty Space Spitoon but not before hitting their armored heads on the top of the doorway.

"As awesome as it is, it's not easy seeing in this armor" Blue admits.

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